A moot point regarding NSC222?

From talking to the dealers I think there is plenty of interest in New Classic gear and people are often starting off buying one or two boxes and then will replace the rest in time.

The delaer rates the 500 series above the 300 series.

But I think the 350s, 332 and 333 are very very good . In terms of value the original classics are good value now, with prices dropping a bit. The NC and OC have a different sound character though.


Because some focus more on theories and specs than real listening comparison.

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Do 500 series still sell ?
Anyone ?

Slow sellers are usually being discontinued faster than before Focal took over.

Given that they just recently updated to white logos and lights I’m sure there’s no plan to discontinue them until NC 500 series is available somewhere in the future. PS: Have they been bit lazy here and taken old photos and made them black/white? Sure looks like it.


As did mine (a platinum dealer), and I wouldn’t expect otherwise, it’s an updated Classic level range after all, the gap may have closed a bit (with an associated cost increase) which can only be good for Naim and their future products, and for us of course!
They did say that they preferred the 350s to the 500DR in some ways, emphasis on the “preferred & in some ways”, it’s all subjective as we all know.
Overall they’re very excited about the new range.

I think you only have to look at the 500 head unit to realise what a beast it is. Listen to a 500DR versus 350s yourself.

The 300 system sits below 500. I would say it’s modern day equivalent of 252 Supercap DR, 300DR, NDS/ NDX2 with 555PS.

It sounds different and is the modern way! Hopefully Naim will bring out a 500 NC one day. I would imagine that 200 series would have biggest sales.

I doubt change green to white lights was any big deal, neither in administration or manufacture/logistic.
If 500 series don’t sell in acceptable numbers I’m sure there’s something new in 2024/2025.

If I was in the market I’d choose the new 300 - no doubt.
The new design makes my old classic looks dated, it does however sound perfect for me.
I personally don’t care for logo/light color, my Muso’s are white and my other Naim kit green.

No, no, no! Never, absolutely not! NO! :joy:

I did try and clarify that they said they liked some aspects more, in no way were they saying the 350 is better overall.

This is exactly how I see it too, I had been thinking of a 252/Supercap/300 upgrade until the new range was announced, I’m glad I waited … for once :slightly_smiling_face:

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You must be a very happy man with your system now! :grinning:

Are you thinking of 333 and or 300 NPX at all, or are you leaving it there?

Id love to see some actual photos of these, bet they look really smart. if i was offered white led conversion on my classic stuff, i would probably do it

I am indeed, extremely happy :grinning:

Not in the short term at least! May well consider the 300 PS for the pre amp at some point, but changing my source will be trickier. I need to see how well it gels with the new boxes, sounds like it does so far but will let everything settle down for a while before thinking about that. The 333 sounded very nice indeed but I’d definitely need to do a home demo before making judgement… there’s something about synergy between the new range that can’t be discounted, will have to see, certainly no rush for now.

My dealer mentioned that to me and I said yes when it’s available. But last weekend when I was enjoying it, I took a glance at the stack with its green lights on a dim lights of my library, I started having second thought. Now I’m not really sure anymore I’d like to change it into white​:grimacing::roll_eyes:

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Looks very much like on the website. :+1:

Did they say it was going to be an option at some point? i think when we get to see actual photos or in the flesh we will know

The photos are available on the website

I mean actual photos in rooms mate, they look like old photos made black and white to me. could be wrong though

Aha I see :+1:
I think it’s wise of Naim not to take new pictures of the range just to show the change in color of the logo.

I’m sure we will get more shots of white and green systems in the system photos thread, I would have my 555PS updated to match if it becomes an option as I can’t see me downgrading to NPX 300 just for looks.

Slightly more involved with pre-amps as buttons and rotary dials also need to be changed. Not that difficult but more work nonetheless.