A moot point regarding NSC222?

I think that DR made the sound become too clinical, loosing boogie factor.

Yes maybe it did even for me. It’s funny that way. I let the dr go and kept the olive and after awhile I start thinking letting go of the dr was probably a mistake. Most likely because I have a weird inexplicable yearning to buy stuff. I won’t go down that path though. At least I am aware of my psyche :sweat_smile:

The topic at hand was a moot point about the NSC 222 and the more I read about it and the 250 the more I want to hear them. Not sure it’s meaningful to do at a dealers place though. I need to get them in my listening space which is a challenge since there are no Naim dealers nearby.

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I would go for a Olive
Supercap for the Nac 82 instead,that’s a big upgrade.
If you want to try the new stuff try it at home as you mentioned.


Or maybe the influence by people that always think the latest generation is the best even if their heart tells them something else :wink:


That is of course one way forward. However, I am reluctant to keep building on the pre amp. If I stay, I stay as is otherwise I will be changing pre amp to something else.

Could be but the NC is interesting because it is different to the OC. I choose Olive 82 over 282 on sound quality alone and some are talking about Naim getting their mojo back. Something worth looking in to.

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The NDS with 555PS is a serious piece of kit. Having listened to the NSC 222 with 250 I don’t think it will be better than what you have with your overall set up. Maybe the way to go would be a 52 Supercap set up.

Or if you want new classics keep the NDS and go 332 250NC and leave the streamer as it is.


I have a little bit of curiosity about the technology within hi-fi boxes, but that is more from a vague interest and little understanding of it. What I am more concerned about is the SQ of Naim and other companies’ products. I trust Naim will use designs that they think sound best at the price point and better than the previous generation, in over 40 years of ownership they have done this for me at my price point. Having just replaced a 250DR with an NC250 in my 222/300 system, the power amp is a big step up to my ears and I suspect is down to incremental improvements in all aspects of the amplifier design and manufacture not just the power supply side of it.


Yes there are of course many ways going forward. I’m thinking also about a used 252/SCDR and keeping the NDS. It is, as you say, a serious piece of kit. The notion of getting just 2 boxes and being content with them is really tempting though and who knows, personally I might just stick with the 82 in the end😉

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The 252 SCDR makes alot of sense with your system. Will be all OC then. I had an 82 for about 4 years until recently and it’s probably the best value amp. The 52 and 252 start getting pricey. But I do find the 52 an even better amp than the 82.

A 252 Supercap DR with what you have will be better than a 222 with 300NPX.

You will need the 332 with 300NPX to improve on the 252 Supercap DR.

I wouldn’t say the 333 with 300NPX is much better than the NDS 555PSDR either. Maybe a little bit.

I added ND5XS2 to NDS with 555PS and for me it’s the perfect way of updating it, utilising latest streaming platform and less glitches.


Yes you are right about that. It sure starts getting pricey. I can get a used 252/scdr 2016 for 5300£ and a 52/sc for 3800£. The 52 however is very rare, well both are and the prices quoted are the latest I have seen on the market here in my country. There are currently no 52 for sale here.

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Wait and go for a 552,having had several 52´s I don’t find a 52 as engaging as Nac 82.

The 552 is alot more expensive than a 52 or 252 with Supercap. Personally I find the 52 just as engaging and gives a richer more dynamic sound. More layered and textured and deeper base.

But some prefer 282 to 252 so each to their own tastes.


That was certainly the case when the OC replaced the olive boxes. But happy to see Naim get back on track with the NC. :wink:

Yes it has always been the debate Nac82 vs Nac 52 and Nac282 vs Nac252 :blush:
and in the debate Nac 82 vs Nac 282 ,I think the Nac 82 is the clear winner :trophy:

I had the pleasure of a recent serviced 82 a couple of months back.
To my surprise a late 282 was clearly preferred at my place.
I had the exact opposite experience 10-12 years ago, everything seem relative, notice not the same psu was used now and then.

It’s a bit above my pay grade. There was one for sale i Norway at a very tempting price, bit they are not part of the EU which means ad tax 25%

Not if you drive fast and close your eyes when you cross the border :wink:


Better to wait until you can buy a 552 ,you already have a superb Nac 82.

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