A move to the new classic series

Hoping I can get a bit of feedback before I start the process but I’m thinking of trading my current amp set up to the new classic series. I’m running the 252/scdr/nap300dr pre power combo and might go down the path of a NAC332/NPX300/NAP350 mono blocks. I did search the forum to see if there were already some threads on this but after trying a couple of search combos figured it’d be easier just to ask. Appreciate any input…cheers
PS while I’m contemplating, what’s the built in headphone pre on the 332 like (currently use Headline Flatcapxs combo and it’s pretty impressive)

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I think you should go and hear, then you will know whuch sounds better to your ears with your music.

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Understood, just trying to get a bit of a feel before I start organising anything. My other thought was to get a nac552 to go with the 300…I know that’ll sound great


Just searching "new classic* pulls up dozens of results - surely scanning through a few of the threads that reveals will give you a bit of a. Idea?


Yep I’ve done that, I’m trying to get a more specific response then I can assess and get out there. A lot of the comments about the new classic gear are really positive

I don’t think you will be disappointed by the HP aspect of the 332 - I use mine a lot with my Shures and find the sound wide open and the functionality such as the new volume control to be excellent.

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I would definitely go and listen to the new 300 series but would als audition the pre/power set up against active speakers ATC/PMC to see which you prefer


Only replaced my speakers a year ago so not really an option I can go for

even so if you are considering a major change it makes sense to check out active speakers - you could get some pretty good speakers for the price of a pair of 350s and sell on your existing.

i have 222 350s and passive pmc twenty5 26i and love the setup but if the active option had been available at the time i would certainly have considerd them. system has worked perfectly from day 1 -none of the wifi issues i had with muso2

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I bought Sonus Faber Olympica Nova 5’s so it’s just not going to happen…btw these speakers have made the biggest difference in 25 years of Naim ownership


Which active speakers would contain amplification that could rival the 350’s?

My impression of reading the threads about the classic v new classic range is that some prefer the voicing of the old range and others the new range. Best to go to a dealer and make up your own mind I think.


ATCs imho

Not trying to get too in depth just wanting to get a sense from those that have stepped over to the NC range. I’ll audition of course but that will involve some travel to my old home town where I’d developed long term relationships with Naim dealers. So not looking for anything technical or any other suggestions about speakers or active or passive…etc etc


What’s your sources. The disagreement about the sq of 252/332 in my experience comes down to the quality of the source. Some claims that a 332 is without 300 at best a sideways move. Others like myself disagree. So either we listen for different things, have different sources and speakers or just disagree on this one.


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VPI turntable/superline/scdr, cdx2/xps/nDac/xpsdr, nd5xs2/nDac/xpsdr, nat05…no issue with the sourses…

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It’s about 8 years since I owned a 252 so difficult to compare with my 332 but from memory/instinct I would suggest the former has a darker sound with a smaller sound stage and less detail. Also, I much prefer the functionality of the NC, including the trim facility for different sources and the excellent HP amp…


Great comment and thanks. Exactly what I’m after and also good to know the HP amp is good. Currently using a headline/flatcap combo which isn’t too shabby but I could let them go

Respectfully - these are not in your profile. You have asked an upgrade question, but it would be useful to know what you think falls short in your current system. The real upgrade would be 252 to 552DR.

There are, as others have pointed out, several threads on NC and particularly NAC333 - one is 332 v 252. I reviewed here, the Hi Fi Lounge Naim 3 series demonstration day; a full 3 series system is excellent.

You have already great products, it becomes, as I have commented before, evolution not revolution.
Budget, i/cs, mains leads and support stand - ie Fraim may result in much less expenditure and achieve a lot. Is vfm doesn’t matter, then 3 series will be a good choice. Otherwise share a roadmap of what you would like to achieve. Are you intending to rip cds and then move on your cdp?

Given what you have, add recent ND555 + PSDR (or ultimately 2) + 552DR. You would need to calculate with a dealer, costings to change with trade ins against a full 3 series - which if you are using 350s you should include both NPXs.


Unless you want to spend a lot of money, surely a used 552DR would be the way to go, way cheaper and would beat the NC options as they stand?