A recent video of a Naim factory tour

Blackbird Rd Leicester, mid to late 80s. I can’t say any more, not because I’d have to make some vague and unlikely threat to kill you but mainly because I signed the OSA, and also because I don’t remember much of it other than being late for tea break one afternoon waiting to hear the Radio 1 switch over to FM and Sutton Coldfield was due next, mid afternoon. It was delayed as Bros were fronting it and apparently the crowds were bigger than expected and their helicopter was delayed. They were the days, when R1 was a good listen.

Ah yes, that division. I’ve just retired after 44 years at Browns Lane in Portsmouth, and I am well acquainted with the document mentioned.


Yes fine video thank you–felt one would need probable a Part 2/3 /4 to tell more of the story.
While I’m extremely happy with my Naim Sound --I’d query couple of points.
A: the Hi Line Din that came with my unit sounded meh!–I swapped it out for an RCA and the magic happened --so Horses for courses there!
B: The cable dancing–ha!-yes well it’ll work for those straw sized inters!–but try get a pair of Burndy’s
soft /supple and untentioned to hookup–someones joking surely-impossible!

Ah well nobody said Hi End was all smooth sailing–ha!


Yes, agreed, be nice to follow a product from components to finished item.

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