A taste of 1968 - on Netflix

This is Tony Palmer’s film All My Loving, broadcast on the BBC in 1968 - it was a surprise to see it on Netflix and it’s not very prominent. The film is very much of its time but has many names from the period, Paul McCartney, Frank Zappa, Pete Townsend, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, etc. Musically it’s frustrating because some footage is electronically distorted with vocals occasionally emerging - this is very prominent on the footage of the Cream final concert at the Albert Hall. It looks as if it might be psychedelic manipulation, but I suspect it may be more mundane and about copyright limitations (this was a 55 min BBC culture programme). The programme is less about presenting music and more about the question - is pop music significant or even ‘art’? It’s quite entertaining and amusing, especially the Tin Pan Alley straw man. Anyhow, some may find it of interest.

I wish they would stream Tony Palmer’s extensive documentary series on popular music, All You Need is Love, which I have never seen.


Thanks for the tip. I would have thought the clips of music would have passed as “fair use” given the content of the film. Maybe he just wanted to disconnect the music from the content and just went to far.

That series changed my life. I remember the last clip of a guy sitting in his bedroom talking about his new album Tubular Bells.


Actually, on reflection, I remembered that the BBC had privileged access to music called needle time, which would have been more generous than fair use, so maybe it was an ‘artistic’ decision. It seems odd though to do that when you are arguing for the merits of the music.

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