's gone! The NDX connection to the network that is..again

Yea Naim Support sent it to me.

My home theatre installer talked me into using his standard as follows:

  1. If the gateway router .1 is decent ( mine is a recent WiF6), let it boss the whole network, and set the DHCP range 100-255 instead of 2-255. Addresses under 100 can be static-set at the gateway in logical 10-groups. I made access points 2-9 and switches 10-19.
  2. The above resulted in both an access point and switch fighting to be .2, because I made a bad decision long ago to set the switch itself to static .2. I restored it to DHCP and it righted itself to .10.
  3. The process smoked out an old switch in a bedroom I static-set to a different subnet! Factory reset allowed it to get on the right subnet as .13.
  4. I set my NDX-FM at the gateway to be .50 and confirmed it took.
  5. Rebooted the gateway and all switches to chase away a remaining conflict vestige preventing a laptop from taking a new IP from the pool.

Smooth sailing ever since!

I am surprised I did not have more issues than I did before this rationalization!


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