Acoustica HiFi Show 18th-19th November 2023

Also had an invite. Would like to hear the 808’s with 3 x 350’s, but it’s a long way to go judt for that.

Bit confused about this years show, on the back of the flyer it states that its showing many other products but no mention of what. Does anyone know if thats the case or is it exclusively a Naim showcase of the new products.

They usually have all sorts of rooms with different kit in, eg, a Chord (cables variety) room, there is a Kudos room and they have their own rooms with Naim kit and kudos speakers (prob one with focal speakers), and someone selling records / CDs. Last year there was a B&W room with a full statement powering 802s I think. I have to confess I didn’t take that much notice of the other rooms so cannot say what was in them - maybe project turntables was one?

They were a little restricted last year (first one since lockdown) but I would expect them to have a bit more this year

Thank TimOopNorth for the reply, none of the large speakers appeal due to room size so would be a pointless trip if that’s all that was on show, maybe a Exposure mono block system with the Kudos 505 would be a interesting listen now they are Exposure dealers, will have to give naughty Pete a ring to see what he’s got planned.

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No, you will be fine.

Ross Nugent told me that all are welcome.

Maybe see you there?

I’m going with two friends on the Saturday.

I would be happy to meet up with anyone from the forum.

I’ll be there on Saturday too. I usually try to make Sunday so that systems have had more time to warm up and get tweeked for performance but this weekend I can only do Saturday.
See you there!

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I am going Sunday


Need a good review off it all

I’m hoping to attend on Sunday if the planets align, and I’ll try and take a few snaps.

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I had a great time at the Acoustica show today.

My two friends and I stayed there from 11 am till 5 pm, soaking up the music and enjoying the collegiate atmosphere of music lovers and Naim enthusiasts.

I had a great chat with Jason Gould, met two forum members, and talked to the Dynaudio UK professionals in the bar.

The 300 series set-ups sounded fast, clean and meaty.

A big thank you to Pete, Dan and Acoustica for putting on this excellent show.


“Meaty” seems to becoming a new go to adjective for describing one aspect of the Naim sound. I like it :+1:

But obviously won’t appeal to Vegans. :grin:


There’s also beefy, which is still more meaty. My impression between 300 series and 500, as beefier.


Just got back from a visit to the show. A great showcase of the Naim product with a variety of speakers. My favourite speaker was the Kudos 808. I am slightly bias as being a mere X3 owner.

I can only dream of being able to afford the systems on show, but one day I will …


Didn’t manage photos in all the rooms

Done as a showcase for 200 and 300 systems. Couldn’t be bothered to list out what they used in each room and I missed two photos - but the streamers and amplification were all Naim with dynaudio, B&W, Kudos, Kef and Focal rooms- each room having different speakers. The Kudos 808s were active with 3x250, the B&Ws were powered by a pair of 350 and I think 332 with a 300 on it and a 333 with a 300 on it, and the kefa had no power supplies on I think a 222, 250 system but I may have that wrong

I quite liked the dynaudio room but spent nearly all the time chatting to people instead of listening, so I am unable to help with what did it sound like reviews :person_shrugging: And I am terrible at those anyway so you aren’t missing anything :joy:


I thought they were doing 6x 350’s into 808"s?

No, didn’t happen

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Shame, that would of been interesting.

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It would but hotel room / show not the best for hearing anything anyway.

I did think the sound quality was better than last year - maybe because I went on Sunday rather than Saturday so it was all more settled / warmed up