Acoustica HiFi Show 18th-19th November 2023

Acoustica Show 18th-19th November 2023 Focusses on New Naim 300 Series

The Acoustica Show will be held at The Doubletree Hotel, Chester on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November 2023, 10am-5pm. We have designed this event so that you can hear the new Naim 300 series with a range of speakers that you are familiar with. Some of the finest speakers made today will be playing.

I don’t think I’ll be attending this show but thought I’d get a thread going to promote it.


One of the rooms with have a six pack of 350´s driving Kudos 808´s. I will be there on the Sunday. It should be interesting.

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Stonking i would think. Be interested if the Kudos active crossover appears? Should have been at Audio show east, no show……lots of rumours on who would build?

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It’s been delayed, again, Gaza. Disappointing isn’t it? The Exposure crossover will be used. A Cymbiosis favourite I am told??

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Well I wasn’t going but I might change my mind if there’s six 350’s into 808’s…

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Acoustica are now Exposure dealers so more than likely they’ll be using their crossovers.
I’m not in the market for an active system, but I’ll try and get there for a listen anyway.

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Yes that’s what they told me Chris.

The last Acoustica show I went to (pre-Covid) proved to be a pricy expedition as I eventually ended up with a completely new system. Fortunately for my bank balance, I’m not free on 18-19 Nov, and they’ve changed their product range somewhat. But otherwise I’d be heading to Chester to hear the 300 series.


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It would be nice to hear the Naim kit driving some Magneplanars.

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Last year Chord cables were demoing the difference between power cords, mains blocks and RFI devices and they had a special Acoustica show offer of 20% off their Powerhaus M6 mains block.

I wish I’d bought one as the price has gone up since then which was £2000 and is now £2400 and I could of got one for £1600.

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It’s a good show usually, I usually pop in at some point

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I will be turning up. Never been impressed by anything there apart from Kudos Titan speakers and I think I am spent up so should be safe :blush:


Is this a ticketed event?

Not unless it’s changed this year. No mention of tickets on the flyer I received.


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It’s never been ticketed - at least not in the half a dozen or more years I have been going

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Looks like there’ll be a feast of expensive speakers to give an ear to: Dynaudio Confidence 60, B&W 801, Focal Utopia, Kudos 808, KEF Blade. Rather relieved I’m not currently in the market for new ones.


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The Titans will be active……a few more Statement amps to collect……a bit like the old Tesco “green shield” stamps of old😂

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I remember green shield stamps! I simply could not imagine how anybody got any of the big prizes as we had not ever got half a dozen glasses if I remember correctly :joy:

And there is no more collecting going on. It will be interesting to hear 808s active again (heard Ross’ 808s with 3x250nc but wasn’t impressed due to the room effects) but the room should put paid to 6x350 sounding good :blush:

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As a kid i envied those in Levi jeans….had to make do with Tesco “Delaware” jeans……did the job and Mum got the stamps. Too easy to forget it was a bit tougher back then……but a football was all we needed.

P.S as mentioned to another Statement owner is your house an AirBnB when you are on vacation🙏

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No you can’t come and stay while we are away :joy:

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