Active PMC v ATC : The Best Things… Part II

Please elaborate?

I saw the bare PMC active modules, before fitted.
Was amazed at their compact size.

Tony and me briefly chatted about amplifier design. The choice of class D then became a bit more apparent , given the very compact size and the volume of space the modules fit in to.

Great write up - very interesting.

I note that your dealer also does Linn and Kudos brands. Might be worth just trying a Linn DSM (Classic or Edition) with 2 x power output modules fitted with Organic DAC active into Kudos speakers. You can tweak to suit price (new or pre-loved/ex demo) and you may end up with a different one box system that scratches the active itch. Only saying as I note that you have more than one system and variety is the spice of life…

Irrespective, I hope you get to a system that suits you.

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It is a bit difficult to try and explain. However, the truest amplification mode is Class A. This is good for running up your electrical. All modes are a compromise of trying to amplify a signal cleanly. So you might find the PMC passives with a good Class AB amplifier, or even Class A will outperform the actives. :blush:

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Okay. Got that idea.

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The fact that lots of other forum members have gone the Linn DSM one box route has been noticed.

The way a solution can be configured with PCB cards added or removed or upgraded is brilliant.

One box, by itself, is attractive.
Although, I’m less concerned about box count.
There’s a limit to number of boxes, but up to a limit we don’t mind.

Funny old world?


Another thought to share here…

Our focus is floor standing speakers.

Kudos have just ended their Super 20A model.
And the Titan 606’s - brilliant as they are ( already really like this speaker) - would be stretching the budget too far.

So, aside from the electronics and boxes, we are working in the middle ground somewhere, for floor standing speaker options.

Best wishes

Yes it is a funny old world. The number of active permutations seems to be growing. Almost impossible to settle on one, lots of listening/auditions required. Good luck with the journey. Having recently moved system and still being very happy with what I have, I’m trying to keep abreast of potential changes without actually succumbing to upgraditis.

PS - just seem your last post. I’ve used both 20A and 606. Both are good IME but the 606 is noticeably better and so it should be for the cost. Lots of ex demo/pre loved out there and remaining warranty can be passed forward to new owner.

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No, when I decided to upgrade the PMCs I wasn’t really considering actives, initially I demoed a number of alternative passive speakers, including the passive 40s. I liked the ATC sound but was questioning if my amp, Chord Etude, was the best fit, I then demoed the actives and liked what I heard.

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Roger that.

From my recent demo’, I now understand when you experience the ATC SCM40A as active, it makes a phenomenal impression.

These speakers have stature and presence in spades.


It’s a really good write up of your demo and clearly has given you food for thought. I really enjoy my PMC twenty5.21i with my Nova, and initially got quite excited about the idea of activating them and swapping the Nova for an Atom HE. But the excitement has dissipated and I’ll very likely just keep what I have. I like the sound of Naim amplification and have been using it for over 40 years and I’ve always felt that their pre amp power work as one. I’m not keen on the idea of more wires, which need hiding, and the fact that the active speakers constantly use power, unless you turn them off at the back, which is a pain. As it is, the Nova goes to sleep and uses virtually nothing. Finally, I had a few issues with the Nova I bought ex dem in 2022 - the logo bar kept coming away because the case hadn’t been put together properly - so last December Naim kindly swapped it for a brand new one, so it sort of feels special.

If I was starting again, the NSC222 and active PMCs would be hugely attractive, but if I’m happy with what I have, why rock the boat?

Your PMC/ATC dilemma is an interesting one; from what you’ve written the PMCs sound more liveable with, as you really don’t want to have to listen loud in order for the speakers to come alive. The real answer will probably come from a home audition.


Starting again with NSC222 ( maybe even add NPX300 too) and active speakers - yes, maybe active PMC’s too - sounds like an absolute giant killer ?

The simplicity of this is attractive.

Shortly after 200 series arrived, listened to NSC222 and NC 250 with PMC Twenty5 23i. After much listening and thought felt our eventual OC system was a better, (better value, better SQ), way forward. So, that’s what have now. No regrets.

We don’t mind the boxes. To a point anyway.

Best wishes with your own journey, which seems to have settled and being stable at the moment. You must be content.

Happy listening with what ever we have…

Thanks. Yes, it’s good to have a choice. Good but confusing at times.

Agreed on your p.s.

I really like the 606’s too
Again that’s a challenge, even allowing for ex-demo or pre loved.

As example, Basically Sound have their demo pair available to go. It’s a big scary number :flushed:

Recently demo’d them and immediately fell in love.
But, with our SN3, ideally, they really need the addition of a NAP250DR, at maybe another £2.5k cost.

It’s dangerous. :rofl:
Where do you stop?

Like I said, we are searching in the middle ground somewhere :wink:


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Interesting write-up. But begs a question: have you tried active PMC Twenty5 24i? It is much closer in cost to the SCM40A so arguably the more direct competitor.

Thanks for that observation

Have you auditioned the 24i v 23i ?
Any thoughts to share ?

Comparison between PMC Twenty5 and ATC SCM40…
When I thought about an equivalent model in the PMC range, assumed this to be their three way 26i, which is £9,975 passive. However, no active version (as yet).

PMC Twenty5 active modules are intended for all their two way designs : 21i ; 22i ; 23i; 24i only

Comparing prices thought the 40’s and 23i - passive models - were closely matched. See below.

ATC SCM40 passive @ £4,200
ATC SCM40A active @ £7,750

PMC Twenty5 23i passive @ £4,575
PMC Twenty5 23i active @ £5,975

The PMC active upgrade modules - which are 100W class D matched amplifiers and cross overs - can be bought separately for £1,795. For retrofit upgrade for both Twenty5 and Twenty5 i series.

My thoughts - at the dealer - were the ATC SCM 40A active execution was maybe more accomplished in the three way ATC design. Plus, more power in the 6 matched amplifiers too.

Thinking about pricing for the 24i too…

PMC Twenty5 24ii passive @ £6,575
PMC Twenty5 24i active @ £7,975

Note : MRRP prices current in May 2024

No, I haven’t hear either the 23 or 24 - the lowest PMC model I’ve heard is the 26 (earlier Twenty range).

If budget stretches I’d suggest hearing the 26, though you’d be comparing passive with the active SCM40 - your amp would probably then be the limiting factor, though as long as good enough to enjoy for now you’d have more to look forward to if future upgrading is a realistic proposition. If it were me I’d be considering secondhand or at least ex-dem, bringing higher models within range - presumably your dealer occasionally has people upgrading further (whilst from all I’ve heard about the SCM40A sounds superb value for the money, and indeed knowing its midrange unit probably near impossible to beat in that respect, the bottom end would limit it for me with the 100 the lowest model of theirs that I’d be interested in auditioning - or conceivably the 40 with decent subs, though I’ve no experience of that approach, but some on here use that way and could be worth trying.)


Coming from MB2’s, I could agree with your thinking
Thanks for sharing

I also have heard the old three way Twenty5 26’s, some time again. Liked what they do :+1:
But not the Twenty5 24i’s.

More to ponder :thinking:

You should be able to buy the PMC Twenty5 26i brand new for considerably less than any new Kudos speakers. I did. :blush:

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Just for clarification as to where I’m coming from in terms of taste in speakers, my first and lowest model of purchased (as opposed to home brew) speakers, the IMF TLS50ii, was a 3-way transmission line design that I guess in terms of equivalence would sit somewhere around the missing Twenty5 25 in PMC’s range today.


An interesting, comprehensive write up – thanks for posting. The retrofittable active amp packs for the Twenty5 series are a really neat idea, leveraging on PMC’s experience in this area from their active pro monitor ranges. HH makes a good point about the power consumption, the manuals don’t mention anything about music sensing standby modes, but being SMPS powered class D amps, they should be pretty efficient when idling.

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