Add a pre to a supernait on an upgrade path

Hi . I have the itch again and was thinking of adding a NAC 272 to a supernait 2 as part of an upgrade path. I have

Supernait 2-with HICAP
Innuos Pheonix relocker
PMC twenty 24

The streamer parf of the preamp would work via optical to the qutest but is not really needed. The phonix accepts LAN so it may work via LAN

Is a preamp the way to go ?
The other consideration was selling the qutest and buying a hugo 2 TT. (I dont need the headphone part but this works as a preamp

If you want to add streaming functionality to your system I would add a separate streamer. Maybe an NDX into the Chord DAC rather than a 272. Depending on what streaming services you use, a current generation streamer would give you more options than the older models like NDX or 272.
I think you need to work out where you want to end up, as a better preamp (or even no Naim preamp) would mean a move to separates.

I don’t really see what the 272 would bring here. The front end you have is very good and you have the option of adding the M scaler to the Qutest and moving further up the Chord DAC family. If you want to go the pre-power route then a 282 with the SN2 as the power amp and your existing Hicap could be a way to go before moving the SN2 on and getting something like a 250DR.

I’ve always been curious about which would be preferred if upgrading in steps, upgrade a SN with a pre-amp first or upgrade with a power-amp first.

282 would be the preferred way but looks odd next to the Supernait due to the duplicated knobs and buttons.

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Oh yeah I forgot about those duplicated knobs and buttons.

I feel you will not resist a long time, before purchasing Popeye purchase :rofl:


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