Advice needed for speakers for a NSS333 NAP252 NAP250-3 setup

The immersive system would keep on playing in a sinking yacht. Great!


So this means that we should call those with Naim systems on their yacht, ā€œPrincessā€!

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Iā€™m very surprised the Nova is on the cabin just resting. It needs to be integrated into the cabin units. I would be disappointed! Maybe itā€™s held down with blutak!


This forum never fails to keep me entertained! lol

For a while I had Sonus Faber Guarneris with Naim 52/135s which were fabulous. And the SF speakers sat on really tall stands which might suit your room/sofa arrangement.
Just a thoughtā€¦


A home demo of Kanta 1s on their stands would be interesting (and maybe Sopras depending on budget).

Of course, it doesnā€™t hurt that they look utterly wonderful tooā€¦


I live thirty minutes from Milano and am in very friendly terms with a good dealer with a large audio store, in a semi-local area.
Feel free to contact me if you think I can be of help. My dealer has lots of speakers and full NC200, NC300, 500 systems, Statement, Solsticeā€¦

As for your request, Iā€™d say Graham LS5/9 or Dynaudio Contour 20, the latter specially.

(And he has a pair of I think second hand Sound Faber Guarneris at a very good price).


The same guy has a rich assortment of Focal speakers if you like themā€¦ (I may be one of those contributing to mixed reviewsā€¦ :slight_smile:

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I would add California to Paris and Milano. But already, a full 500 series in Paris and a 300 series in Milano, not bad.

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I was thinking of the same when I posted :+1:

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Thank you for the offer. Iā€™ll contact you.

I am interested in listening to the Sonus Faber too but the one dealer I contacted and who also has Naim gear (not the 200 series though) was discouraging. And as others (Adrian-Glasgow and Nick Wimbledon) noted Sonus Faber speakers look great.


Once again you exaggerate FR. My amp in Paris is a 300DR not a 500DR and in Milano the preamp and amp will be 250 series :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

California is really too far away. And you have to adapt to 9h jet lag each way.


Hi Michel,
Iā€™ve emailed you.


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Of course, a bit exaggerating, for the fun. Hope you will find the right speakers for your second system.

Please would members not post contact details on here - it is a publicly viewable forum and it is not safe to do so.

Sbls on mana stands :slight_smile:

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So classy ! :rofl:, in a modern decor.

Sorry Richard.
How should contacts be shared?

I second the SF Guarneris suggestion. I have them on the back end of a 222/555PS/300DR system, and they sound utterly magical. They look fabulous as well, which is always a bonus.