Advice on Phono Leads

Some may have seen my earlier post about possibly getting a turntable and the issues with competing with NDS 555PS DR and a pile of 30 year old vinyl.

Have decided to get a well serviced and under a warranty Linn Axis with AT95ML plus a Nad Phono Stage to give it ago.

Need to get phono leads unfortunately (using superlumina between NDS and 252)

So what’s the most reasonable phono leads to get - to just do the job for now - its already getting a little expensive trying a leap to vinyl for old times sake !

Do you mean that you don’t get the cables you need in the deal ? Go for Linn original cable for the Axis and Phono to DIN Naim Lavender or Chord Chrysalis from the NAD to the Nac 252.
The NDS will have a hard time… :wink:

Correct - Thanks for the help

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With the Axis/AT95/NAD, I wouldn’t go spending a whole lot of money on an interconnect.

I have always enjoyed Linn Black Phono cables, there easy to dress, sound great and can be had for minimal cost. Silvers are always a nice upgrade when funds allow.

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