Albums of 2024 so far

In no particular order…

St Vincent - All Born Screaming
Bat For Lashes - The Dream of Delphi
Arab Strap - I’m totally fine with it don’t give a f*** anymore
A Certain Ratio - It All Comes Down to This
The Smile - Wall of Eyes
Still Corners - Dream Talk


Thanks for sharing. Looks like we have very similar taste and there are a few you’ve listed there I have not heard of before so I will definitely check them out! I’m listening to Arab Strap now whilst working and I am already enjoying it :+1:

ps. I had no idea A Certain Ratio had released new music! Awesome :slight_smile:


There aren’t a huge amount of interesting new releases at present so I may go and have another listen. That said, significant elements of it simply grated with my ears and coincided with moments when Mrs. H. also looked up with her best “this music is dissonant and clawing at my face” look. Lots of my fave music started with “I’m really not sure about that” or “I don’t really get that” whereas this started with my ears going “No”.

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Some already mentioned, but listing as have been enjoying them.

Sierra Ferrell – Trail Of Flowers
Waxahatchee – Tigers Blood
The Decemberists – As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again
Jake Xerxes Fussell – When I’m Called
The Avett Brothers – The Avett Brothers
Hurray For The Riff Raff – The Past Is Still Alive

I like what I have heard from St. Vincent, but haven’t heard the whole album yet (in the to be listened to pile).


Bill Callahan - Resuscitate!

This has been spun more times than any other 2024 purchase.

Feelies do VU
Paranoid Style The Interrogator

I lost my brave, kind, clever, loving, funny, stubborn… and amazing dad yesterday…he loved ‘love ballads’ as did my mum who I lost during lockdown so I’ve been listening to this on repeat today thinking about them both back together. I know it does not count, but it does for me x


I know it is an extremely cheesy cover and set of love songs, but it is fitting all the same. Their particular favourite from this romcompilation…which is also a stone cold classic for me, was Aretha Franklin & George Michael - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me). It is a rare pitch perfect song with amazing lyrics :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sorry for your loss. Happy that the album provides at least some consolation for you.

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I’m sorry to hear about your dad, enjoy the memories of your parents.

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If you like Philip Glass Solo then I suggest try to listen to Vikingur Olaffson’s album of Philip Glass Piano Works. Personally I find him a better interpreter of Philip Glass’s music than Philip Glass himself.

Thanks but that album is already very well known to me. You are quite right - VO is a much better interpreter. I just think that there is something quite poignant about Glass playing his own works solo in the twilight of his career

Very sorry for your loss.

I lost my wife unexpectedly last August. Fit & healthy one moment & died in my arms 10 minutes later from a severe brain haemorrhage.

Life has not been a lot of fun since & music has really been the only thing that has provided any solace for me so I can fully understand how you are feeling.


I lost my dad 11 years ago and we were close. My condolences to you and yours.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Music helps us all through the ups and even the most profound downs.

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Oh, man… That’s just awful. I can’t even imagine the pain you’ve been going through. You’re among friends here.

My late wife & I were blessed with good health throughout our near 45 year marriage to the extent that we were aware that this sort of thing happens but, to others, not us. Just shows how wrong you can be.

Also, as she was 3 years to the day younger than me, I had always assumed I would go first but not for another 10 years at least.

The hardest thing was not even having enough time to even say goodbye after 48 years in total together.

We have no children & have lived hundreds of miles away from family since our wedding day.

I am therefore now totally alone & wondering what I am going to do with the rest of my life.

The two consolations I have at present are hi-fi/music & my continued support of Norwich City. Oh, on second thought, make that one consolation…