Albums of 2024 so far

Got that 80’s vibe (in a good way)

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Do you live in Norfolk? Are you able to go to Carrow Road?

Not since 1983. Been in Cornwall since 1986 (& Manchester in between) just over 400 miles away so I’ve only been back to Carrow Road for half a dozen matches in all that time.

Last season it was a definite advantage!

However, I cherish my 4 years in Norwich & still miss my time at the matches.

My folks lived near Fakenham for many years. When I visited, I would occasionally go to Carrow Road. My wife (now ex) noticed how many people reached into their pockets at half time and pulled out an apple. Not something we ever saw in Glasgow!

I wish you the very best, and hope you can successfully tackle the loneliness.

Being Norfolk, are you sure it was an apple & not a turnip?

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My line of work for 38 years means I’ve been confronted by numerous clients for whom ill health and having to leave employment because of same have often been very sudden and shocking things. Exacerbated of course by the usual “… but I’m a tax payer and I thought…” discoveries that the system is not actually tremendously generous to “insert personal prejudice here”.

Somewhat ironic then that both my sibling and I find ourselves with exactly that dramatic change in our health and employment circumstances.

Life turns on a sixpence and. as a fair few of us said at the time when you posted about your own situation, few us may know you in person off the forum but you are effectively among online friends here and many of us have experienced similar.

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The track 4 am reminds me Herbie Hancock from his fusion years.

Herbie Hancock + Robert Glasper. Other tracks remind me at times of Lonnie Liston Smith.
Excellent album

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I’m really sorry to hear that, life can be very cruel sometimes. It is good to hear you have some comfort in music, especially given you are a Norwich fan!

Joking aside, music is a universal language. If you like it, you can always make friends :slight_smile:

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If tradition is to be believed, then a flat bottle of El - Dora - Doh would have been the half time sustenance of choice. :rofl: :roll_eyes: :scotland:

To be gargled as a bottle of p!ss flew over yer head (if you were lucky).

Aye, those were the days.

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Thank you for that Mike.

I am aware of the support this forum can offer, particularly through the support that Dan has been given in his fight against cancer.

In my case, & I said so at the time, I had thought that people’s best wishes were kind but didn’t actually mean much, until I became the recipient of many such messages. I was wrong, & to my surprise they meant a lot.

I am sure our messages have given Dan further encouragement to fight his health problems & the ones I received do offer a small chink of light to look towards. In my case, hopefully, promotion to the Premiership at the end of the coming season, if only to avoid having to face you in the Championship the following season after you have done to us what Plymouth did after their promotion last season, 6-1!

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You may like the group Cotonette. Their 2024 album received the 1st prize here.
Jazz fusion, 70’s style. Bass, guitar, percussions, Fender Rhodes…

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Loving the new one since the band death.
I was concerned they wouldn’t recover, but this is true to form. Bless.


My pleasure.

One never fully gets over such things as the smallest thing can trigger all sorts unexpectedly. My closest friend passed in appalling circumstances nearly a decade ago and I’m always shocked with regard to what takes me back in an instant and how low it can take me. The moment Mullin put in the 3rd against Boreham Wood and I could finally believe we were getting out of the National League. I didn’t know I had Covid but the only thought in my head was that he’d never see it. One piece of music will take me back to a gig or a specific occasion. And so on.

My sister is currently fighting a similar battle to Dan against an aggressive health foe so I’m painfully aware of the challenges on that front and of the benefit everyone gets from mutual support. I’m careering towards ill health retirement or dismissal and trying to guess which medical condition will hit me out of the blue next.

I can at least assure you that of you’re still in the Championship next season we certainly won’t be. Parky obviously wants us to be as competitive as possible and there is much daft whispering of “back to back to back”. We’ve made a small number of very impressive signings and I suspect a couple more are to come. Nevertheless most fans understood that going up without the infrastructure would be disastrous and the aim this season is that anything above 15th will be an achievement and anything above 10th sets us up nicely for a real push next season.


If my experiences of the Jungle are anything to go by it was much more likely to be Buckfast :joy:

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Nectar of the gods, pal. If your gods are as antisocial as, say, Ares and Cronus.

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Thanks, will check it out…

Pat Metheny 's Moon Dial, is a stunning disc if you play it when you are in the right frame of mind, and are in the mood to really listen to the wonderful playing on this album. Like his other two solo albums, in the past, I think this will be in my list of the “best of the year” albums for 2024.

Falcon Love, with some riffs any Metheny fan will connect to an famous older piece, is the standout on this album.

  1. Bonny Light Horseman - Keep me on your mind
  2. Richard Hawley - In this city they call you love
  3. Little Simz - Drop
  4. The Libertines - All quiet on the Eastern front
  5. Ibibio Sound Machine - Pull the rope
  6. Eels - Eels time
  7. Waxahatchee - Tigers Blood
  8. The Smile - Wall of Eyes
  9. Arab Strap - ITFWI👍DGAFA👍
  10. Public Service Broadcasting - The Last Flight