Alfa Mist Live LP Recording

Alfa Mist and the Amika Quartet join forces at Kings Place to record an LP live over 2 night’s tickets available on line.

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I’ve been listening to the Amika String Quartet an all female group that have done lots of backing work, with Alfa obviously but also the likes of Jordan Reiki too and they’ve huge talent though I couldn’t find any recordings of just the group.

I’m really looking forward to this collaboration and hope I can go to one of the two nights but if not the record should be something special.

As good as Nat Birchall in your opinion?

As I’ve said before I actually feel quite sorry for you sometimes.

No need, I’m more interested in your opinion on the musical merits of Nat Birchall vs Alfa Mist

I’m all for sharing music and opinions on that music but that isn’t what you want and you have proved that time and time again.

What you are is a troll you’ll back and forth with me until l either loose my rag which will satisfy whatever it is that you need to satisfy or the moderator removes our posts so forgive me if I don’t engage.

So you can ruin this thread for me and anyone else who might have an interest in it or you could just leave it alone.

Its not trolling to ask someones opinion about the musical merits or otherwise of a given artist. I believe this is an open discussion forum about music.

In your opinion Nat Birchall is the greatest living Jazzman which is a very high bar to set, so its perfectly legitimate in my view to ask your opinion on the merits of other artists compared to the reference standard.

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