I have a couple of the unifi ap units, i don’t think that’s the product you want. These create a mesh WiFi network, the port is to hook them up to your network, and not so you can hang a wired connection from them.
(Edit) actually you can if you set them to wireless uplink mode. However I don’t know if you can mix and match amplifi and unifi units in the same network. [Just googled it, no you can’t mix.] The unifi aps need an active controller to function, that’s either a unifi cloud controller or the software running on a pc (mine now runs on a raspberry pi left of 24x7).
You need a wireless bridge. You can do this with a second amplifi hd router set to bridge mode.
It would appear you can purchase seperate ones so I guess you could go that route. As with any of these mesh products the very best outcome is to connect them via ethernet.
Thanks, I’m glad I asked. I wouldn’t have guessed I can use a router in bridge mode to do this. It seems easy enough.
Thanks @garyi I have two mesh antennas currently and don’t need another, just looking for a way to ethernet into the network without running cable from the other room.