Amplification Nap 250 strong enough for?

I think that’s another one but I might know what you mean. Berlin style :joy:

Görlitzer Park border to Kreuzberg, 1 long, large “Kneipe” at a corner with old “Sofas” in all colors, old, destroyed, ripped apart, 2 different rooms. And this repair old Radio shop was maximum 300 meters away. I do not find more infos. I remember the place under this “strassenbahn” bridge is a “Treffpunkt” for the scene people, punks and other kind of lovely people. My brother in law studied in Vienna and was so proud in 1995 to make Vienna-Trier in 5 hours driving a friend’s Golf VR6 in the night. A hill race racing driver made Karlsruhe-Trier in 1 hour in the night with his 911 immatriculated for 1 day. So many crazy people around me.

Sounds like the area, yes :slight_smile:

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reassess includes “ass”. Do you mean that I should throw out my Nac 282 through the window (if noone passes under). Don’t really check it.

I have everything captured on photographs, so I’ll find it !

well a friend visited Berlin around 1990, I was there the 1st time around 2009. So he saw the “real Berlin after 1989”. I just saw it long after “Potsdamer Platz” was finished. A little bad conscience but a town keeps his main character forever, so I’m glad to have had my adrenalinestoss for running about 2 km in the night after coming home from the remainings of the wall, long distance until reaching civilization again, and some dark and loud fellows in the streets.

Apologies. I posted on the wrong thread by accident.

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The large vertical cylinders are the transformers (much larger in the NAP 250)
The 4 vertical cylinders in the Rotel and 2 horizontal cylinders in the Naim are the power supply capacitors.
As you can see the Naim power supply has greater capability, particularly in the transformer (and that is important for meeting higher current demands).

However that’s not the biggest difference.

The Rotel has an unregulated power supply, the Naim has a regulated power supply…
When faced with a sudden high demand for current the voltage rails on the Rotel will sag (i.e. the power supply voltage will drop), with the Naim the voltage will remain stable. This allows the Naim amp to respond much better to sudden current demands than can the Rotel amp.
This is about dynamics, the constant RMS power quoted tells you nothing about an amp’s dynamic capability when driving real speakers (rather than when just driving test resistors!).


There are still nests of the old and it can still be crazy, I like it a lot.

Back to amps, I had my Rotel once for repair at the grumpy guy’s place in Urbanstraße, and when I picked it up he praised it with the words “nich schlecht, da is gar nich so viel Scheiß drin”*, which I guess was quite a compliment out of him :slight_smile:

* approx. “not so bad, surprisingly little bullshit in there”

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thanks so much, yes one feels the stable and continuous power of the Nac 282 coming from the Nap 250, a delight to have theise volume consistency and nuances.

Apologies accepted :slight_smile: So no need to open the window to throw out my Naim system. Very releived now lol

You can’t have too much power. An underpowered amp can do more damage than a big beefy one.
When my dealer installed my existing B & W 802 D3s I quizzed him on the lowest Naim power amp suitable for driving them. Minimum was a 250 and from a dealer who sells both products.


When I first got into Naim I heard a 42/110 into Kans……there was a lot of other stuff in the shop with outputs in the 100w level……I didn’t care…I just wanted ‘that sound’.


Bryan-Adams) – You Want It, You Got It

:smiley: :+1:

Don’t for get that in this context power is actual usable power into a real load not just the quoted RMS power.

In any normal sized room, with any normal speakers 50w per channel of real achieved power output will be loud enough to permanently damage your hearing in a relatively short time!


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