Another dumb Superline & NAC252 connection question

If it is the consensus that the NAC252 receive its own Supercap, and the Superline also receive it’s own Supercap, how on earth would you connect 2 Supercaps? The NAC252 only has one Burndy connection. What am I missing?

The NAC252 needs a Supercap to run - connected via the appropriate Burndy lead.

A NAP then needs to be connected to one of the DIN4 sockets on the 252’s SuperCap.

The Superline will be connected via the appropriate Burndy lead to its SuperCap.

AFAIK, the Superline then connects to the 252 via a SNAIC5… I think…?

Will try to find a picture…

From the Naim Connections Guide (*) -

(* - not currently available on the Naim website, AFAIK)

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You’ll need a 4-5 interconnect to run from the DIN4 socket 5 on the Supercap powering the Superline to a DIN5 input socket on the 252.


@IanRobertM you are the best!

That makes sense, @james_n
Thank you for including that information.

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Or if you have a spare Supercap around - you mean you don’t? tsk. tsk! then you can run your Superline from the spare Supercap, like this:



Indeed, @suzywong
I’m acquiring another, and I just received a nice pre-loved Superline (2021 serial), so trying to go through pages and pages of older connection and loading threads.

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I think the only time you would connect two Supercaps together would be if you were running your (2)82 or 2(52) into a SNAXO in an active system. This would use a SNAIC4. At each end the SNAIC4 is plugged into the socket closest to the cable(s) that go to the target unit.


Google for the appropriate user’s manual. The pictures are very easy to follow

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Sounds like a plan. Are you running the Superline from the 252 at the moment ahead of the Supercap arriving ?

I am currently running a Supercap from the 252, yes. The Superline arrived; now just waiting for the Supercap. I have a spare HiCap-DR, but I just plan on comparing the two when powering the Superline. I also ordered a 453R Airplug-Z and a 1NF Airplug from Cymbiosis and cannot wait to try them out.


Are you not getting a burndy as well?

Good question. Yes, I purchased a Burndy for the second Supercap, too. This is where I was initially getting confused.

I run this exact configuration.

  1. 252 connected to Supercap DR as normal
  2. Superline connected to second Supercap DR, via the Superline/SNAXO variant of the Burndy (you’ll need to source this separately). Then a DIN 4-5 from the Superline’s SC to a DIN5 socket on the 252 (typically the non-powered aux2).

Someone mentioned a SNAIC. That is only used if you connect a Superline to the powered aux2 of a 252 (282, 552) directly. Then the Burndy blanking plug needs to be fitted on the Superline. I have run it this way also.


Thank you, @JosquinDesPrez
This is how I intend to connect them now that I’ve had help from all of you sorting this out. I did source the correct Burndy for the Supercap/Superline, so I’m good-to-go there.

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