Antique Vinyl

Just had the chance to attend a large local antiques fair and boy what a collection of audio, vinyl and associated music posters were up for sale. From original Dansette all in ones still playing vinyl on turntable units from long gone manufacturers, to HMV 78 players and old wind up units as well. Vinyl on sale was a blast because the people selling were able to hold a conversation about their stock,rarities and one chap for example was quite strident on vinyl vs CD etc. Didn’t know much about Naim but knew about turntables siting the Technics 1200 as the best he had come across. Cd, s were for sale as well on some stands with other antique stuff, and we’re going for little or no money. It was fascinating to wander round and just see how many audio items were appearing as “antique” from small pocket radios to all in one radio, cassette units with mini TV screens. Great day out good to touch base with history and purchased a Bowie vinyl best of by K-tel never seen it before!

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Sounds cool like a time warp day out. :+1:t2:

Yeah, sounds like a good trip out! I think you had a lucky escape only arriving home with a single purchase too :slight_smile:

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