Anxiety and Depression

Good. But shame we didn’t meet up… :thinking:

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Very well expressed. Thank you… :smiley:


Yes, it was all a bit of a spur of the moment trip, and the drive took longer than expected due to Apple Maps leading me on a wild goose chase on poor roads due to heavy traffic, and then round and round doing U turns when looking for the hotel, so it was already quite late when I arrived at the venue!

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And I bought my ticket, more than 1 year before… :crazy_face:

But - for you - a good outcome…?

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Yes, it was an excellent concert.

I’m not a big concert goer compared to many here, nor do I enjoy travelling away from home that much, or at least I’m not good at planning such things!

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I can relate to that. For me, the NEC is just down the road or railway, from Rugby. But… Nightwish was the 1st ‘big’ concert I had done, in many years… :astonished:

Until then, I had only been going to small or medium size gigs, some closer to home (such as the excellent De Montfort Hall, in Leicester), some a bit further (so Birmingham Town Hall or Symphony Hall).

My next gig is in the room above a pub in Nuneaton…!!! Dark Side of the Wall - a very good (IMO) Pink Floyd tribute band, originally from Coventry - as am I…

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Lucky old you going to Nuneaton my hometown :sunglasses:

Just down the road, from Coventry or Rugby… :slightly_smiling_face:

Postponed - new date tba - due to illness… :expressionless:

But… its just a concert - and it will be re-scheduled - or refunded.

Shikatta ga nai… as they say in Japan.

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Slightly off-topic but in the last week or so something has triggered lots of random childhood memories - simply things I’d forgotten about probably but as I’ve had a flurry of them were they in some way repressed?

I mentioned somewhere, maybe above, that I sense I’ve started 2024 with a different slant on things, and feel enthused to tackle a few things I’ve put off for too long, including decluttering loads of paperwork/items which I’ve been attached to and kept for no rational reason (e.g. unused expensive gadgets which are very dated and of little intrinsic value or use but may originally have been expensive - I have loads of old photo printers which are likely to be clogged which have been in storage for years, why???).

I also sense my demeanour may have changed posting in threads in recent weeks, not sure what to make of that.


This… sound very positive, I think… :thinking:

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For the most part I’d like to think so.


Mostly Positive. Or Mostly Harmless… :crazy_face:

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It’s very cleansing to declutter, apart from my art and music I’m happy to rehome lots of things. I’m claustrophobic and hate stuff all over the place. We visited a friend’s place the other day which was dark dinghy and full of furniture boxes paper and junk. I couldn’t get out of it quick enough.


Echo @Pete_the_painter, its a great feeling clearing out and rehoming / binning stuff we no longer need or use, so a big :+1: for that.

Its also good to read that you are feeling more positive in yourself, we all have good and bad days and all of us can relate to feeling this way at times, again we all have different ways to deal with it, I know from personal experience, keeping it bottled up is one of the worst things you can do, so talking about how you feel is good, no matter how trivial you may think it is.


Or eBay’ing… or … (lots more options)… :neutral_face:

All Good.


Your right Ian, lots of other options, including eBay, we are lucky that we have a couple of hospice shops, that have benefited from our donations in the past, but agree, All Good :+1:


Rugby has the usual selection of Charity shops. Thats where I take things such as books I have finished with. Oxfam or Cancer Research are my usual choices.

Or… there is always the multitude of Collection Bags which drop thru my door… :astonished:


We’ve just recovered from a bit of a problem, OK, quite a lot of a problem.

Due to the actions of hospital administrators, one of our headmates became actively suicidal. Particularly unfortunately it was the one who holds most of our memory and coordinates a lot of communication in the system. As a result most of the others got frightened and hid in their safe spaces in the innerworld, leaving Hayleigh (our protector) exposed, stuck as ‘front’ and completely alone for over three days. As we’ve had DID since we were 11, we’ve never previously been truly alone like that in over 50 years - there’s always been one or two people in the innerworld that we could talk to. It was a terrible, scary time; for three days we’ve not slept well and not been able to eat.

However (and this is the point of the post)… I was able to ask some of my neighbours and friends who rallied round to support me. I contacted my GP who gave me an urgent referral to the CMHT. Overnight at 05:40 we became overwhelmed by the sense of fear in the system so called the Samaritans, this was enough for me to survive to morning. Earlier today someone from the CMHT came round and we sorted out next few steps for the weekend and Monday… one step at a time. With support from our friends we were at last able to get back on track: slowly some of our headmates felt able to come back out of hiding and then our normal host was able to take over again - Hayleigh was finally able to take a well earned rest.

When in difficultly, please take support from wherever it’s available.


Hi Xantha I’m glad everything’s ok, I’ve just read through your posts and then googled DID (sorry for my ignorance).

You guys have a lot to deal with, take care.