Any other star gazers here?

SGL is a great recommendation. Lots of experience in astrophotography there, unlike me!

Thanks @spile & @steviebee, I shall indeed frame targeted questions there.

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Do post your photos here @Innocent_Bystander

The stargazers here would love to see them.

Will do …when I achieve it!

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Congratulations India!


I gave my young nephew a telescope recently (just a little starter 4.5" dob that had been my first 'scope). On his very first use he photographed the Moon, using his phone held up to the EP:

I see a bright stargazing future for him


Optical illusion, but it looks like someone stole around 40% of it!

Roger Waters?

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Think of the endless opportunities. First corner shop on the moon! :sunglasses:

Ouch, Tony…bad boy…

People see what they want to see. I mean it in the warmest way. Believe it or not!

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But you could have said doctor’s surgery, pharmacy, and hospital!

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Others see minerals power and defence unfortunately. God knows what it’ll look like in 100 years.

My first photo using my observatory from my armchair watching the rugby! It’s a 1/15s exposure. I still have to get the mount pointing model setup accurately. For the time being I plate solve to work out where the scope is actually pointing and then sync to where I asked the mount to point.

Alas I’m setup for monochrome with filters so doesn’t look much. There is much still to do but it’s a start and I’m more interested in galaxies and nebula.



Still the most fascinating planet in our solar system though IMO - I was just blown away when I saw it for myself!


Still need to learn more but this is a monochrome photo with a luminescent filter (I think). The live image shows lots of atmospheric movement.

All done from my armchair with kit in a Pulsar Observatory.


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Let’s hope for clear skies on Friday night, when Jupiter is at opposition :crossed_fingers:t3:

Nice photo! I’m afraid I’ve no idea what a Pulsar Dome is.

I should have said observatory.

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Pulsar make observatories, mainly for amateur astronomers. Typically garden shed sized with a dome on top.