Any reason why my system takes up to 4 hours to warm up?

Sometimes a restart of the router and streamer after helps to restore a better sound. In my experience at least.

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I get what you folks are saying, its very frustrating having to go through this process pretty much every time, I thought it had started to improve over the last few weeks, maybe lack of use for a week didn’t help.

I’m trying to work out what part of the system is the root cause, my money is the 282 , from memory I think its a 2004 vintage but it did go back to Naim in 2022 for a service but cant help but think it maybe the culprit, pretty tricky to isolate it as its the preamp.

All sources seem to be the same, the LP12 is not so bad but its still effected.

My local dealer has an ex-dem supernait 3 in stock I have given it some thought to seeing if I could home demo it just to see what would happen, at least it would take out the 282,200dr,Hicapdr and the napsc out of the picture.

Before I do anything I will try a restart of the router and the streamer just to check.

Controversial comment coming here. Obvious case of listening to the hifi not the music - audio neurosis strikes again.

So why make it then!

Actually I make the comment in the more general wider context, I just think how we hear things, dare I say expectation bias etc really influence our responses. I’ve no doubt that when equipment is new there’s a run in period, and when switched off a short period of warm up but on this whole thing I’ve read some absolute nonsense, I once read 11 months for a ND555! In your case what I think is ironic is that your TT is not so affected but that’s the one thing that might be as the cantilever could I guess possibly be cold?

In any event just enjoy your music.

Edit: your source components are fine.

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I appreciate your response and I understand your comments but the issue for me is my enjoyment of the music is being compromised by I’m guessing a heat related fault somewhere, maybe a dry joint on a board or a component loose, not totally sure, when it clears everything is fine.
Similar to watching a film at a cinema and you have a person behind munching their way through a large bag of crisps, annoying, well to me it is, would it stop me enjoying the film, probably but that’s me.

Oh yes I’m with you on the popcorn issue, also these widescreen cinemas, the sound is like it’s coming from a pile of bricks.

I get now why you want to try the SN will be interesting to see. I have to say I struggle with the component idea but I’m not an engineer, merely an obsessed muso, so yes anything might be possible. As an experiment have you tried switching out the HC and powering the 282 with the 200. I used that combo for years and loved it but it would also identify if the HC was rogue.

All said my money is still on you switching to a stronger coffee for the first 60 minutes :wink:

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