Anyone have any suggestions for an insurer for an unoccupied property?

I asked, and a brief visit to check things not sufficient. One of the normal occupiers identified on the policy, must live there between absences. Whether that could be as little as one night I don’t know, but if suspicious they would be likely to seek proof, so in these days of smart meters with detailed recording, perhaps normal patterns of energy use for a few days.

Yes, I would much more frequently normally but sometimes things get in the way which is why I have a few web cameras there and get many alerts each day for ‘events’ stored on SD card.

I’ll have to ask a pal actually who lives primarily between the UK and Asia where his wife lives, he’s always travelling though to Europe or the US for work matters and must be out of the UK for well over 60 days per annum. His elderly parents are no longer fit enough to drive to his house to check it over when he’s away.

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