Anyone have any suggestions for an insurer for an unoccupied property?

Not quite sure how, but I missed the fact that the renewal letter for my late father’s currently unoccupied property mentioned a call was required rather than the previous automatic renewals.

Also oddly, I didn’t realise until around 5-6 weeks after the policy lapsed (quite unlike me as I normally have certain dates ‘in my head’ give or take a day or so) but when the renewal letter came through I incorrectly assumed it renewed late December.

I only realised that it should have renewed mid November but hadn’t going back through accounts the other day and seeing a DD hadn’t been taken.

Had an arranged call back from the lapsed insurer today who said they’d have considered renewing if it had been a week or two but wouldn’t even consider it or a new quote now.

I was honest and admitted an oversight on my part, but no go, ’system/computer’ said no.

I have several cheap internet security cameras there and monitor it daily, but don’t go there as often as I’d like.

There’s nothing of particularly high value or appeal to a thief in the property, so I’m not too bothered about contents cover but naturally major property damage due to fire/storms/similar risks are important to consider.

If you are in the process of selling over the next few months, perhaps a call to a broker to get specific cover?


To be honest it’s a very long complicated story, I probably should have disposed of it by now but haven’t and I’m not sure if it’ll be on the market soon, but it’s looking increasingly likely simply because it’s now becoming a burden.

Good thought on trying a broker though.

Wesleyan do a specific unoccupied property policy. I had an advertising mailshot for it the other day. I’m afraid I threw it out since I don’t need it yet, but a call to them might be worth it for you.

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Thanks for that. I have a few policies with Wesleyan as it happens.

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I surprised when I looked into this a few months ago for one of my sons for a house he’s bought and which will be uninhabitable for a few months while some workis done. None of the standard hone insurers would quote. In the end through a local broker I found Abacus.
A condition is that either the house has to be continuously heated to at least 15C - with records of checking - or the mains water has to be off AND all water systems drained. (why as high as 15 I have no idea - it does seem excessive).

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If you have an account with a High Street bank, it’s likely that they will have decent contacts with a friendly insurance broker or two.

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I remember high street banks and having an account at one, with a bank manager one spoke to in person when wanting a loan or overdraft etc… In those days it was possibly to open an account just by going in and filling in a form, with no proof of ID nor source of funds. Surprisingly I’ve just realised I can even still remember my original bank account number and sort code, though the account closed decades ogo.

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Yes. Most people know their National Insurance number too, even though it’s a random collection of nine letters and numbers.

Indeed, though I have had to give my NI number so often that it is bith unsurprising and useful ti remember it.

Here in the US I’m Washighton we have a state office with a Insurance Commissioner. If we get some BS or dishonesty from a carrier we can contact their office. The insurer than has to put forth a convincing accout of why their actions are resonable. They need to be held to a degree of honesty and state why they wont renew the policy. In your case dealing with a senior loved ones passing would understandably cause most family member’s to forego grief and conduct business. I think not.

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Friend of mine currently in same situation. Luckily picked it up with existing insurer NFU before it lapsed but unoccupied cover only given on a restricted basis.

Friend advised there are insurers who will cover restricted elements such as malicious damage.

Best bet is to find a local insurance broker - there are still a few around who will have the contacts.


Here is a list from the British Insurance Brokers Association for unoccupied properties

Brilliant thanks. :+1:

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I’ve used Swinton Insurance in the past.

Very reasonably priced.

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Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll have a few to try early next week.

The potential to have it insured unoccupied for over 60 days is key.

I think the point is that an occupied home is a different insurance proposition from an unoccupied one and that’s why an occupied home has an unoccupied limit of 60 days.

But if you go for insurance that is specifically for an unoccupied home, you shouldn’t have a problem insuring it.

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Hopefully so, and to be honest there were certain clauses on the one that lapsed which were pretty impractical so may be as well to be forced to look around.

Would you be able to get to the property every 60 days or so, to check that everything is ok ? If so this might give you many more options using the “occupied” route.

The exclusion in normal house insurance policies is nights away per year of insurance, not nights away between visits!