Anyone in the UK getting any rain?

That’s a YES in South Oxon. Also thunder is forecast. Torrential rain on Friday as I drove from Devon across to Sussex, then same again coming home from their and overnight Friday. Not so much yesterday but it kicked in overnight and has been going ever since.

Yes, just had to unblock a gutter during a deluge…….only cleaned them out last week😬

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That’s another YES in South Ox…
Made a bit more dramatic with a big building job that has a scaffolding work platform with a tin roof around the front of the house.
The tin roof was a real racket, I suspect our antipodean friends can relate to that. but with no guttering it’s left a mess, building stuff spread all over, a new river system down the drive, but the lawn looks like it’s really enjoyed it.

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It’s been belting down in the Calder Valley, sleeping under a skylight leads to some slightly disturbed sleep with the percussion effects. We’ve got a break at the moment, but I can see the rain further up the valley about 10 minutes away, so the deluge will be back soon.

North Cambridgeshire currently getting a drenching.
Thursday was a day of torrential downpours of biblical proportions.
We also have Thunder & Lightning forecast for later today.
It’s October after all, to be expected really🤷🏻‍♂️

And Thames Water have today issued a statement that the drought and hosepipe ban will continue through Spring 2023.

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Just cleared up on the Hants / Surrey border. Sunny and very mild again now after a real drenching over the last few hours, including a few rumbles of thunder. Time to make the most of it before the next rash of heavy showers arrive later on as the main low moves through.

We had a couple of deluges this morning, it seems to be brightening up now just along the coast from Brighton, so my planned walk with a friend might not be rained off.

Well, when - by their own admission - they leak 24% of the water they supply (600 million litres per day), that would need a lot of downpours to make up for it!



Rain deluges aplenty in north London this morning - my bicycle looks like having the day off!!


Never bloody well stops here in North Yorkshire :frowning_face:

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Torrential here the last 2 nights, roadsides not draining well due to all the fallen leaves mulching next to the kerbs and leaves blocking drains.

This is the lightning map for southern UK taken a few minutes ago
Wind is coming form due south


In the middle of a storm here. The distant rumbles as we started our walk, soon turned into a full fledged thunderstorm.

The dog was not impressed :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

When I were a yoof we had a dog that was totally fearless, great gun dog, up to fighting all comers, but hid under the bed at the first hint of thunder.

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The dog wasn’t bothered about the Thunder. The torrential rain though…

I was just thinking, woods, trees, lightning… Now observing the next developing cell from the comfort of our conservatory :grinning:

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Anyone want some rain our fields are sodden with the horses looking like mud monsters ones grey so you know what I mean. We have a hose pipe ban in place and we have ongoing rain and very big thunder and lightning storms. Unplugged several times and rural Pembrokeshire is very green and very humid.

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Woken up at 3am by the thunder and the lightening - like a strobe light. Jumped out of bed to ensure everything was unplugged. The rain was biblical; guttering couldn’t handle it. Quite something to witness. No doubt the extremely mild weather contributed to the severity of the storm.

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Funnily enough ‘biblical’ was the phrase used by the chap at the local wine shop who’d seen torrents of water running past the shop entrance a few hours earlier.


Plenty of showers forecast this week, although currently bright and dry here - and exceptionally mild. I heard this morning that London could reach 22C this week, just a few days short of November. Trying to persuade the management to turn off the heating in the office - ridiculous waste of money given the cost of energy. On that front, let’s hope the mild weather continues.