I find it really tricky to evaluate my system especially speaker placement.
One speaker is next to 25ft of patio doors, the other is adjacent to the open lounge next to it.
I’ve also got a vaulted ceiling just to add to the acoustic nightmare.

I was watching the Harley Lovegrove Speaker Placement clip on YouTube and he recommended this disk.
At £30 it’s quite pricey, but not in comparison with the system cost.
I’m also going to be auditioning for a new pair of speakers soon, so thought this disk might be a worthwhile investment.

Any views?

Current setup-
Uniti Atom HE into NAP250DR driving 36yr old KEF 104.2 - soon to be replaced

Hi there, I have previously used an Isotek burn in/ set up disc which came with a hi fi magazine. More recently, I purchased a Nordost set up disc, this was really helpful when putting products through the frequency range but also when trying to integrate a REL Amp with my speakers, I think this cost similar money but is 2 discs. For me, it was worth the fee given I had spent a several weeks trying to get things right, difficult when you are doing this on your own.

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I find REW (free software, though donations welcome ) to be an excellent tool in assessing room issues, and in particular finding best positions for speakers and listener. You do need a measuring microphone (a bit over £100 new, or can be had secondhand for about 2/3 of that) but it shows you what’s actually happening in the room, including frequency response at any place. I am sure it would be very useful setting up a sub, as it can assist with things like phase response.

I do have a copy of a system test CD that I picked up secondhand many years ago, hi published by one of the hi-fi magazines , I think on two discs, which is a modicum of use, in particular for channel identity perhaps, but that was before I discovered REW.

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Thanks both - I had a look at the REW site and description.
It seems very comprehensive and quite technical, so I think it’s going to a bit OTT for me plus the cost of a special microphone that’ll I’d only use once or twice.

I’ve found a few reviews of it on the net which are positive so I’ll give it try - then I can answer my own question :slight_smile:

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