Anyone using NDX2 with XPS-DR AND an outboard DAC (Naim/Chord/Other)?

My assumption is bare, though I will not speak for @N_Godwin. If it’s #2 then I may agree with the observation.

I played a selection of tracks from Nirvana to Ambient and some sounded better on the NDX2 which is to be expected but equally some were better on the cheaper Naim ND5XS 2 with Chord Cutest DAC. But in each case to my ears the differences were very slight, especially when compared with the cost difference. Some would argue the Naim ND5XS 2 is over spec for a digital transport and would suggest more budget solutions. But if you want the flexibility of the Naim package I’d definitely go Naim ND5XS 2 with a DAC for the sound, value and flexibility going forward.


If it’s bare Ndx2, it’s makes sense for me.

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Welcome to the forum too :slight_smile:

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Sorry for any confusion the demo was:

  1. Naim ND5XS 2
  2. Naim NDX2
  3. Naim ND5 XS2 into Chord Qutest Dac

It was a bare NDX2

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Intresting and if it works for you, great. It’s a low cost satisfaction solution.
Unfortunately for me, a friend had just bought an ndx2 when I had my nd5xs2/qutest. Which ended up costing me money. :angry:

Yes my Roxy Music HDCDs on my CDX sound amazing. Better than my Japanese vinyl pressings.

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