App random / shuffle issue

@HungryHalibut interesting one. I’ve just put an album on, checked in wasn’t on shuffle (it wasn’t). I put the iPad down beside me and haven’t touched it. Track 1 played followed by track 2……then came track 4 !!! I picked the iPad up and checked the app and sure enough both the shuffle and repeat play icons had turned from white to orange, untouched by human hand. Divine intervention by a higher power that doesn’t like track 3 ?

Joking apart, I’ve never seen it do that before but it just happened if you can pass that on to the beta group please. It was a CD rip.

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With my ND555 I had this issue, and enquired on here whether others experienced the same. There’s a thread somewhere.

Since moving to the NSS333 I’ve not had the issue occur.


I suffer from this problem and have complained about it before. I can set an album or playlist going and after a few tracks shuffle has been engaged without me touching the IPad.

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