Looks simple enough to stick it back on, albeit with a little shortening of the wire but was the solder still leaded in the last couple of years?
Product history as on the current website has the Aro running until 2006 but I think it went on a bit longer than that. I remember they overlapped the superline by a couple of years.
I do not know what they used in the original manufacture, but I always prefer a leaded solder compared to anything else. I get much better results and I think with electrical connections I think it’s better and lasts.
I bought my Aro about six months after my superline and though it was secondhand I remember them still being available new at the time. Mine was the personal arm of the manager of my local hifi shop. He said he replaced his Aro every year at trade and sold the old one on at a profit. Mine has a SN 2495## while my superline, which was from the first year of production, has a number 2591##.