Art work on Atom

Streaming from Innuos Zenith my Atom is not displaying artwork.
I have unticked the turn of display but just have a blank screen, get the same result from Naim app as well as Innuos sense app….

When using Innuos app it just says “streaming from LMS”
When using Naim app it shows artist and song - but no artwork

Does this sound like a settings thing or an issue with the Atom?


Did it work before or this is the first time using the innuos?
The art work should be 1000x1000 pixels max.

Sorry should have said Atom is new.

try a factory reset ? do you get anything displayed with radio?.

As said above, do the station logos show in the apps and on the Atom when playing iRadio?

If they do, but when streaming the artwork doesn’t show in either the Innous or Naim apps, it must either be that the artwork isn’t there, or you have used a setting in the Zenith that is stopping artwork showing, if there is such a thing. Have you checked the metadata using dBpoweramp or something similar to ensure that artwork is there?

If I play internet radio I do see the screen

When streaming using sense app I get the above

It’s unlikely anyone will be able to diagnose your problem with just this amount of information. It looks like you have too many unknowns in play. Did anything ever work? Start there. You have had some good suggestions; check the file for artwork, iRadio, etc. Who did you buy it from? Can they help?

The top picture shows the Atom working as it should. It suggests the Atom is fine.

The bottom picture suggests there is an issue with the Zenith settings. I suggest getting a trial version of Asset and putting it on your computer along with a couple of albums. Check that the album art is there and then stream to the Atom. If it all works, the issue is somehow in the Zenith and that’s where to look next.

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Thanks, for clarity it’s new, bought from a large online retailer and has a warranty.

I have had one before and it worked fine with artwork but that was with Naim app not Innuos.

The Atom is new so I guess my question is how do I get the Atom to see the meta data from the Innuos - doesn’t show album artwork from stored files on the Innuos Zenith or tracks streamed from qobuz.


Thanks HH, I don’t use a computer these days other than for work. Sounds like it’s a set up thing with the Innuos as opposed to a fault with the Atom.

Do you do Roon Gary? If not then try asking Tony to see what he says as he uses sense app in the demo rooms.
At least working in radio from naim app shows the aton is fine…

Thanks Phil, I am now on the Googlator to see if I can find an answer I.e. is it something on the settings on my Innuos Zennith.


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Any luck?. I don’t own innuos anymore so can’t offer much I’m afraid, and when I did it was Roon core.

The screen works fine on internet radio so confident the Atom is ok, but haven’t worked out why no artwork with my Innuos. A bit tied up with pesky work this week so will have a look at the weekend.

There must be some kind of setting as plenty of Ndx2, ND555 users must use Innuos servers. I did a search here but couldn’t find anything relevant.

Artwork aside the Atom with ATC 11’s sounds pretty damn good - a little surgery planned for the weekend with single wiring the 11’s and a search for some stands - yours always looked smart so may consider them!


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Have you tried using the Naim app to control things? The photo you posted says that was the result from the Sense app. I suppose there could be a fault in the Atom that is restricted to the upnp input, while allowing iRadio to work. Maybe you need to contact Innuos.

On my Atom HE no artwork if using Innuos Sense, so doesn’t appear anything wrong, if using Naim app artwork should be there.

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Thanks for comments , the artwork is displayed when using Naim app just not when using Innuos sense app which is a shame but not a deal breaker.

Overtime I have come accustomed to using the Innuos app so can live without the artwork and have the option to switch to Naim app if I do want to see it.

Given the amount of Innuos users that have Naim streamers I would have thought there would be an a way of seeing artwork whilst using Innuos app……

I have to say as a little one box solution with ATC11’s the Atom does sound very good. Need to single wire the 11’s and consider some better stands but really enjoyable so far.

I had an Atom before with Neat iota alpha’s which sounded nice but nowhere near as good as the ATC11’s with the Atom.

Thanks to those that responded to my question.



I believe Innuos are working on the artwork as part of the ongoing Innuos Sense development.

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I do not know if this will help, but I have a Zenith that does exactly the same with a Naim NSC 222. I presume you are connected via ethernet, like me.