Artist order in Qobuz

Help please - I bought a secondhand ND5 XS2 and signed up to a Qobuz free trial yesterday and transferred all my lists etc from Tidal using the suggested app, and now my list of artists reads Z to A, not A to Z. It’s fine in the actual Qobuz app, it just does this on the Naim/Focal app. Any way of correcting this?

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When using my iPad and selecting ‘ALBUMS’, I then can scroll down and there is a Bar with the word ‘More’. There is a ‘>’ arrow to the left and I touch that and that brings me to a new view. In my case a random view. I then tap on the ‘A-Z’ icon in the bar above the albums. A box appears and I choose ‘Sort by artist’ and the albums appear in Alphabetical Order. You can also select it a second time and the albums will appear in reverse Alphabetical Order.

I hope that is of some help


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