since i’ve installed the last firmaware in my uniti atom, It doesen’t see my asset upnp 7.2 installed in a qnap. Asset is correctly seen by others upnp clients in the same network,
The network is wired and the 3 devices (atom, asset, iphone with naim app) are in the same subnet without a firewall, I rebooted the qnap nas and the atom but the problem persists.
Turn off router, turn off Atom and unplug it, turn off Qnap again. Reboot phone. Turn on router. Wait until the router is fully back up, turn on Qnap, wait until all other devices have internet again. Wait 30 minutes or so. Start Atom. Better?
Did you reboot the router as well?
If you didn’t it might be worth doing the whole system at the same time, switch all off & restart …
… in the right order
Wireless router - let it fully complete its start process.
NAS - let it complete its start process
Atom ….
iPhone – in some cases of network discovery problems it might be beneficial to reset or even delete & re-install the app.
Rebooted everything in the order suggested but I have the same problem. Using an android phone I can see asset upnp so problem is in the iPhone. Reinstalled the app but problem persists
Check your iPhone for updates. My iPads wouldn’t discover UPNP servers reliably after the last Naim app update and an update of ios resokved the issue.
asset is on 7.3 now so probably worth updating that to see if its fixed
Updated the ios and asset upnp is available. Thanks
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