ATC SCM 11 positioning observations

I have spent the last few days messing about with the position of my SCM 11s. Between them I have a unit that is a metre in width this has a depth of about 20cm.The speakers sit on 1/2 metre high HIFI rack stands. So I guess already I may have the hifi purists shaking their heads, if they read this of course.
Anyway I have tried varying distances either side of this unit, from 6 to 12 inches giving a distance of between 51 inches and 63 inches between them (measured to each inner edge) with various toe in trials and the only conclusion I can come to is that the sound is better or fuller the closer to the unit on either side they are. The toe in at the minute is 5 inches for the inner speaker edge 6.5 inches for the outer. I sit about 8 feet away from them.
I have posted before about SCM11 positioning but wondered what other users experiences are with them. My amp is an SN2.

Mine are 1.8m apart, 20cm from wall and toed in so they cross behind my head… I sit about 2.8m away

In my room they aren’t too fussy, just a little toe in.

Every room is different annoyingly so it is a case of experimenting little by little, it can take a while to find the right place.

Wonderful little speakers though!


Thanks to Hifi-dog and Farthings-cat; I’ve gone for 55 inches btw speakers with about an inch of toe in. This seems okay.


Good stuff, it’s easy to be obsessed but if you have a sound that works stick with it. I often find things take a little time to set in……

Enjoy as those 11’s are very good!


A very timely posting, as I’m also on this journey with SCM11s. I have borrowed some 50cm metal stands from a friend, to try. Standing on 1" thick paving slabs they’re firing across my room, using the spacing of my Doublets, either side of a large window and radiator, around 2.1m apart, speaker fronts 50cm from the wall. No toe-in as yet. Initially they sounded heavy, a bit leaden, bass heavy with not much treble and I wondered whether the stand top plates, which are quite a bit smaller than the speaker base, might be to blame. I have a couple of 1/4 inch thick aluminium plates slightly larger than the speakers, which are on blutack spots on the stands with the speakers above the aluminium plates, on Atacama gel pads, and this has livened things up considerably. The soundstage is wide, notes crisp, but a bit more playing involved.
They’re driven by my Uniti Star.


I had my 11’s on some cheap stands from Amazon, sounded ok but when I got decent stands it made a big difference.

They weren’t cheap at £500 but worth it to me. Keep on eye on eBay as some good value can be had from time to time.


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Thanks, Gary, I shall monitor the situation, but my budget will (initially) be nearer £150, I think, as most of my savings went on the speakers, and need some recovery time.
But, no rush, more fiddling to do with what I have.

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