Atlantic Records 75th Anniversary

To celebrate 75 years of Atlantic Records Analogue Productions are releasing 75 of some of there best releases from there catalogue. This is a exciting selection of titles including Genesis, Yes, CSNY, Bad Company, Phil Collins, Ray Charles, Otis Redding, John Coltrane to name a few. They will be from the master tapes or best available, vinyl will be 45 rpm double lps and also a sacd version as well apart from the 2 Phil Collins releases , starting in October, as usual the UK miss out so a expensive import for use. Rumour is they are trying to include some Led Zeppelin titles but no news on those yet.

I had a look at the website, and was confused by a couple of Genesis albums. My original LP’s are Charisma……where does Atlantic come in?

45RPM rules them out for me.

I have the adapter ring, and a spare belt, for my LP12, but it’s just too much faff, and I have bought recently new LPs of the Yes and Led Zepp albums that interest me.

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Meh…haven’t we gotten over 45 RPM yet? $60 reissues is a big turn off. And just what I need, a version of Coltrane’s “Olé” spilt across two sides. No thanks.

I might get Mingus Blues and Roots, but I’m out for the series otherwise.

This announcement is a disappointment from where I sit.


They where released in America on the Atlantic label.

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Depends…I don’t mind 45 myself, unless it’s an album like A Love Supreme where cutting tracks in two just doesn’t…cut it.

I’m guessing I’ll never hear Pharoah at 45…how could you get up in the middle of Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord et al.

Still, I’ll watch these Atlantics with interest.

Agree with that! Even more so, after one upgrade, the Sondek would not spin up to 45 at all.

One of the reasons why I bought myself a Lingo.

Ah, that would explain it.

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I love the quirkiness of turning on my LP12 from a shoebox-sized Olive Armageddon sitting next to the turntable.

The Lingo 1 box is smaller than an Armageddon…….and I can play 45s.

Which inevitably then begs the question, “But how do I play my 78s?”

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True, and I gather that there is a big difference in philosophy between the two (I’ve never seen inside either). The Lingo has quite a few clever internal components, whereas the 'Geddon is basically a power transformer and on/off switch.

Correct. The Lingo generates the “motor driving” waveforms from crystal controlled oscillators, thus providing accurate frequency / speed control. The Armageddon is simply a trafo and phase shifter network, and therefore the frequency accuracy is dependant upon the state of the UK Mains at any time…….

An ex-colleague has an Armageddon on his Sondek….but then he’s a Mech. Eng. ………… :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Have to say I’ve looked at the list and…thoroughly under-whelmed.

Splitting Supper’s Ready on Genesis Foxtrot is also a bit of a turn-off.

However, the Donny Hathaway S/T release is a highlight for me.


Yes Richard never thought of that, just listen to the album to see whats possible and at about the 11 min mark there is kind of nature break where a change of tempo of the song but you still have to get out of your chair to flip it over, same problem on Close to the Edge but that is more broken in to parts, will be interesting to see how they go about it.

The problem is that to break there is to remove one of the great segues in rock music.


it appears that there are 2 separate vinyl releases, a clear vinyl and an analogue productions black 45rpm vinyl


Or three, if you include the Vinyl Me Please releases.

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