
Hello to all my Naimite friends, I wondered if I could trouble some of you to comment on the qualities of Audiovector’s QR5 loudspeakers, if anyone has an opinion on them of course. Further to this I am thinking of powering them with my Nova, and whilst tomorrow (13th Jan) I should get the chance to audition them in a demo room, it makes sense to ask someone who may have them in a domestic situation what they think, especially if heard with a Nova? Thanking you in anticipation, Nick.

The QR5 might be a perfect match for Nova. Personally, I haven’t listened to this setup, but I can assure you that Naim and the Audiovector usually sound wonderful together. :blush:

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I have Audiovector speakers - the SR3 not the ones you are thinking of, However, I am sure they will have the same “house sound” and do work very well with Naim. They are extremely well made and look good too :slight_smile:

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The qr models was recently I think in december upgraded to SE with they claim a lot of enhancements. This is early for the qr series or I am getting old, but be sure to get the se model not the original model. when Audiovector upgrades a model it usually means real enhancements not just a new model for a new year.

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Don’t know about the QR 5’s, but auditioned the R1 Arrete’s with a SuperUniti a few years back and they were excellent, punching well above their size/weight, especially on their dedicated stands.

Might be out of budget though…….


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Thanks to all, in the end I went with the QR3’s as they sounded excellent, I missed out on the 5’s as they had been sold and the choice was limited, the Audiovectors are all end of run items at my local dealer with prices that are not to be missed!!

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