
I’ve just installed Audivarna on a trial basis on my M1 Mac. What it seems to do is to decode TIDAL FLACs in the Mac and pass it as a WAV to my Uniti Mk 1.

It sounds much, much better than using TIDAL directly in the Uniti itself. Am I imagining it?

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I use to have Audirvana the first they did, that i stop using because of album indexation problems. The sound was good. Then Audirvana Origin arrived and for a second time i bought it (you have to pay for every big update and for the ipad remote). Indexation of albums were ok and the sound was very good. I am still using it but only in my laptop. I was using it with an Apple Macmini, optical cable (24-192) Cambridge audio Azur 840C and Azur851n Dacc’s. I found that connecting my SSD directly to the Cambridge audio DAC and now to my Naim Uniti Atom HE was preferable and sound much better. Now i simply use Naim app and its perfect!


Same experience here :+1:
You should give Qobuz a go too.


I used Audirvana for years to play my ripped hard drive. Migrated to Roon and Quobuz. Also use the Naim App and Quobuz for the ND555. The Naim app and Roon both integrate my hard drive with the rest of what they are doing. I don’t expect to be headed back to Audirvana.

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Many 1st gen streamer owners found adding any UPnP server (Bubble, Minim etc) and transcoding to WAV improved SQ.

I tried several & found Audirvana was the best of all options.

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Well, it’s certainly given the old dog a new life. Hopefully I’ll get a few more years out of it.

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