Av Options now making interconnects for Naim

Yes. Roughly similar to the price of a Hiline, but much less than a Superlumina.

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I have pricing for AVO cables to replace my HiLine DIN 4-5 and DIN 5-5. The latter is now broken for a second time (not due to user error). It was finally sent off for repair (after delays from Focal N.A. just getting a repair ticket for my dealer). Hopefully it will be a no charge repair. If not, Iā€™m done with Naim getting my money.

Anyway, Iā€™m giving serious consideration to getting the AVO DIN ICs and selling my HiLines to the next sucker.


Yes, Iā€™m quite sure if Schrƶdinger had a Naim system as an enterprising physicist, instead of the Cat made famous, it would be the HiLine. Is the HiLine broken or functioning? Well, just look at it.

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I ordered a DIN 4-5 to replace the HiLine on my Superline. I have the OEM lavender on my NDX2 while the HiLine DIN 5-5 is gone for repair. I think when it comes back Iā€™ll just leave the lavender on and sell both HiLine cables.


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@Corry , @nicnaim just curious as to how you are getting on with your AV Options interconnects ?




James, Iā€™ve opened the existing thread for you.


Super - thanks for that, Richard.


Iā€™ve never broken or damaged a HiLine, and have had a few. Iā€™ve always just stuck them into sockets and left them alone.
Never used a HiLine as skipping rope either.
On the other hand, I simply prefer the lavender, so not an issue for me.

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Iā€™ve had my AV Options DIN4-5 for a while now. I donā€™t know for sure that it sounds better, but it doesnā€™t sound worse (I havenā€™t compared them directly). What matters is I donā€™t have to worry about the damn cable breaking just because I want to disassemble/reassemble the kit for cleaning or change things around. The HiLine might sound great but I still think itā€™s one of the worst quality products overall that Naim ever made and I will never buy another. The damn thing is like, ā€œtouch me, I dare yaā€¦bwa ha ha ha.ā€ :japanese_goblin:

I still plan to sell the HiLine DIN5-5 for my NDX2 thatā€™s been repaired twice (I have the lavender installed now).


Iā€™m at about 70 hours with mine, so roughly halfway through the burn-in period. It continues to improve in small increments, week after week. To my ears, it sounds markedly more fluid, detailed and natural than the HiLine.

Thus far, itā€™s the only cable upgrade Iā€™ve made that Iā€™ve been really impressed by, in contrast to PowerLines and HiLine, which I felt were good, but only just about worth the money. Saying goodbye to the whole donā€™t-look-at-it-funny-or-it-will-break has been the icing on the cake.


As Iā€™m no longer using a Naim source - having a few Din 5ā€™s left over to wait for Naim re-introduce the CDi - now happy to use Rega Couple i/c at the pricey sum of ā‚¬150.


Thanks Corry :+1:


Yes thanks @Corry and @JosquinDesPrez
I trust both of your opinions. I love the sound of my HiLine but I agree on how fragile they are.