Back in the game part III

Peter Swain of Cymbiosis, who is putting together my ‘second’ LP12, is supplying an Audio Technica 760 SLC high output MC.

I had never heard of this cartridge before before, but I respect Peter’s knowledge and expertise, and it avoids the need for a step up transformer, given the NAIT50’s MM input.

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Is it a similar price to the DV? No need to specify just is it ballpark? Thx

I believe it’s MM, no? I’m assuming it’s a VM760SLC.

Great cartridge, and I would much prefer it to a DV10x5, but it’s not MC.

G55 it’s not a high output MC. I have suggested you try an AT 760SLC with the new TRigB cartridge body. I’ve heard it and it’s fantastic! Teh bess=t MM I have ever heard and well suited to the Nait - 50 IMHO. The TRiGB conversion will be available soon. Lots of discussion about it on the FB groups but I’m not sure many know about it here. Currently the sample I heard is with Loud and Clear in Glasgow and hopefully they will have time to put something on their website as TBF I’m maxxed with work and no time ATM to promote it but surf the net and hopefully you will see what I’m suggesting is a very viable option. I believe it will become available in about 4-6 weeks (I hope) KR, Peter


Keen to hear that! The standard version is already a great cartridge, IMO.

I’ve been looking into these too and understand they might be available in the next couple of months.
They are setting up a website for them and early orders are £199 for the TRigB and they have to fit it not a DIY job.
£60 for two point and £199 for three point. :thinking:
Cartridge extra of course. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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