Band/Artist Picture Quiz

Mungo Jerry.

Gerry and the pacemakers.

Sorry to be harsh, but no! Though part of each picture was not in focus, and so blurred, there was a pair of pictures clearly showing the effect of focus, the act being focus and blur being incidental.

Bloody clever, that one… :grin:

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No guesses, but “mind bomb” era “the the” such a great album. “Dusk” is 30 years old (reissue imminent).

Should I offer a clue?

Yes please :man_shrugging:t4:

Hopefully this helps.

Nobody has got warm yet?

Don’t have any idea @Eoink, sorry… :man_shrugging:t4:
The ‘Antipodean Contingent’ will be awake soon, maybe they will come up with some suggestions :slightly_smiling_face:

That was also a clue….

The Hot Band

Or, The The flames banned…

:grinning:Yes, Emmylou Harris’s legendary backing band (which is apparently less famous than I thought).


Oh! That was Emmy Lou Harris :man_shrugging:t4:
I have absolutely no clue when it comes to ‘Country Music’. The some total of my CM knowledge is Shania Twain :joy:

Have a listen to the first album she recorded with Rodney Crowell outside the Hot Band, Old Yellow Moon.

@QuickSticks …or you could try the ‘All The Roadrunning’ album with Emmy Lou Harris and Mark Knopfler.

I was wondering if we should ease him in gently through Bob Dylan’s Desire or even Gram Parsons?