Bands who changed direction, and remained successful?

Sex Pistols ?
Perhaps controversial as setting the template for future alternative manufactured pop bands.
They became successful then imploded. With some members going on to have successful solo careers.
Much like today’s manufactured pop bands - One Direction. Little Mix. Spice Girls etc etc… :hushed:

I think you could include a number of what were originally Punk Rock bands eg Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Cure, The Ruts…

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And, er. U2.
Sorry. Probably wouldn’t have been long before the Two’s are mentioned.

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How about Cliff Richard?


What @Innocent_Bystander doesn’t know about prog rock isn’t worth knowing. :star_struck:

Not true!!

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Judging by your contributions to the “music chain” thread I would say otherwise about your thorough knowledge of prog.
Meant as a compliment sir :innocent:

Thank you kind sir! But I know there’s a lot more I don’t know… And I’m sure there ard even more unknown unknowns!

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