BBC new authenticated streams now active on Naim products

I have a vague memory of reading, maybe earlier in this thread, that the HDX and Unitiserve can’t be updated to get the HLS streams because the company that would need to amend the bought-in firmware for a critical part of the streaming function went out of business some years ago.

Edit yes it’s in post 10 of this thread in one of Steve’s long postings.

Yes, I saw that but I do have BBC on the internet radio menu, and the HDX is post 2012. I guess I’ll find out when support comes back to me.

I wonder whether you read all of that post from Steve Harris? Way down (it’s a long post!) he says:

“As a side note the Unitiserve, HDX, NS01, NS02, NS03 also do not support HLS so will also loose BBC radio support. Due to the age of the platform and the tech company Digifi that made the platform back in 2006 closed down in 2015, we have no opportunity to add HLS support to them.”

Yes, that doesn’t look promising. Still waiting for a reply from support…

It’s the Unitis that are pre 2012 that have problems, but so do all of the servers he mentions which are completely different architecture and electronics to the Unitis. You don’t need to wait for Support to come back to you, as you already have it direct from the Software R&D director :slightly_frowning_face:

Hi all,

Update on this one.

The BBC are entering the next phase of this.
Switch over to token only streams will start on 6th September and should be fully transitioned if all goes to plan by 29th. The old HLS BBC streams will gradually stop working during this time.

For Naim customers there should be no impact as we have been running on the new token based URL’s for over 2.5 months and all is stable now.

If a BBC station does stop working that is stored as a preset, I recommend browse to the station in the radio directory, select it (it should play) and then resave it again to the same preset number.

Best regards

Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.


I have the exact same streamer as you, and it’s getting a bit long in the tooth now. That said, I updated the firmware a few weeks ago to re-enable TIDAL after their authentication change at their end. I’ve just checked and BBC radio is working perfectly.

Edit: I did have the 24-bit upgrade done in the factory a few years back when it went back to have the display panel replaced. If you haven’t had this upgrade, then sadly, the new HLS streams won’t work.