BBC Radio issues

Looks like BBC radio stations are having some streaming issues this morning (intermittent ‘rights restrictions’ pronouncements) - reports coming in from several countries, including UK.

It’s not just affecting Naim, but Sonos and others, too.

We’ll look into it, but in meantime the BBC Sounds app seems Ok, so using AirPlay/Chromecast from that is a temporary workaround if you are experiencing issues.

Radio 4 currently fine for me but Rev Richard Coles is not so fortunate - though remains good-humoured.


Fortunately my NAT02 is unaffected.


Working fine here now, too - looks like a temporary glitch.

EDIT: Yep, doesn’t seem anything fundamental, just a wobble at BBC’s end this morning!

Listening to BBC Sheffield on my Star and all Ok

Yes, it seems have resolved itself, thankfully, after a ‘Monday morning moment’!

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