BBC radio not working?

Unity Atom. Yorkshire. Is it just me?


Once again Radio 3 not available other than through BBC Sounds…here in Cyprus

All my preset BBC’s are off.

We need a man with a tool kit @Stevesky

No all bbc stations with the exception of worldservice is playing silence. Strange when looking in the now playing screen it often says 96khz/sek but no quality. Also the worldservice is an mp3 stream I think unlike the other streams, but I could be totally wrong here. For anyone who can use the terribel mentioning function Steve should be mentioned on this one.

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I can’t access any BBC internet stations… 'Station not available ’ message. ?

No it’s not just you. Was working earlier 06:30ish but not now. Vtuner appears to have lots of regular outages. Very frustrating. I’m in Norfolk UK by the way.

Rats. How am I going to listen to TMS when the match at Edbaston starts?

In the meantime my ancient Pioneer tuner is called back into action. I really want to move it because it takes up so much disk (Edit: desk!) space but every time I think I’ll disconnect it from the sysytem, BBC and/or vTuner falls over.

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Really, NOT AGAIN!:weary::rage:

Same with me in Wiltshire UK. BBC radio stations say station unavailable

So, BBC Sounds app and Bluetooth, then.

This is sadly happening too frequently now. I appreciate Naim cannot ‘control vtuner’ but for a manufacturer of quality streamers more must be done to stop this frequent outage with BBC feeds

From what I gather, this is being worked on by Naim as a high priority. Obviously I can’t say much more than that for the moment.


Which is good and i have no doubt Naim are as frustrated as we all are but the outages are too frequent to allow to continue

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There is an easy work round with airplay but just boring I guess.

Tunein working here in France.

Vtuner is not working except on the World service.

BBC radio not working for me on naim nds in Somerset, UK.

I’m just pleased we have a Tivoli Model 1 FM radio in the bedroom. It’s very strange that the BBC channels seem to be the most affected.

It’s really important to remember that this is not Naim’s fault and that it’s hassle the people in Salisbury really don’t need. There is no point hopping around about it, all we can do is hope for a fix sooner rather than later, but if it involves a change in provider, which I believe has been mentioned previously, it won’t happen overnight.

These things should just work, much as boring old FM just works. But of course, they don’t. That’s progress I suppose.


Nope similar here

Same here. Really disappointing.

Somehow I’m unsurprised to read that it is not Naim’s fault but they are giving it top priority anyway.
They’ve obviously been busting a gut to fix the problem since the outage over the entire Christmas vacation period.
Guess the Test Match will be over before I can use my expensive Naim equipment to listen to it.