Beloved naim sn1 have RIP need some advice

It have been long time since I post here, just been enjoy my rig (ndx2/sn1/hicap and Wilson Audio Sabrina X. The SN1 have one chanel not working. I’ve enjoy this setup for years, though I think I can sound bit better. I have three option:

1 replace the SN1 with SN3-would need a new hicap, mine is non dr
2 trade in ndx2 and hicap for nc 222/250
3 keep the ndx2 and add nc 323/250

I think option 1 will be fine, but I wonder will option 2 and 3 be mind blowing. I can only demo 222/250 form my dealer, which I will do son. Just need some advice, what direction you would go.


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option 2 for me then add the 300 power supply later…

Option 2 for me

Option 4. Get the supernait fixed. It’s probably a stuck relay.
Sn1 to sn3 is a sideways move.


I had a dealer demo of NDX 2 into 332/250. To our ears something sounded wrong. So make sure you listen to that option before you buy.

I chose 222/250, largely due to budget - the 333/332/250 sounded better but I couldn’t stretch to it. Maybe further down the line. The NPX 300 gives a good lift too, so that’s an option too.

I lost the channel on my XS 2 just prior to trading it in. It was repaired (failed/stuck relay) for a little more than £100 by my dealer.

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Don’t Let Your Naim Die… :expressionless:


Indeed get it fixed but also consider a hicap dr instead of a normal hicap.

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You will struggle to sell the Supernait if it’s not working, so I would get it serviced, which is probably overdue in any case. Then live with it for a bit and see how you feel.


You don’t need a DR Hicap for a SN3. It still performs better than the non-DR version, and even if you decide to keep your old Supernait you may find a HCDR to be a worthwhile upgrade.


Option 1 or 4.

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SN1 and SN3 sound nothing alike. The SN3 is a huge jump over the SN1, IMO. Not even close to a sideways move.

I would choose option 2 or 3, however. If the SN1 can be repaired fairly cheap then also do that to maximize your return upon resale.

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Get it fixed and enjoy that’s why we support Naim SQ and serviceability.
I’ve got an SN3 and don’t have a Hi Cap at all.
My good mate had one from downsizing a Naim lego collection and didn’t like it.
That’ll do me I don’t find anything lacking. :+1:t2:


That may be correct for a bare SN1&3, but not if fed by a hicap dr. They get remarkable close if so.

Option 2 imho .

I’d certainly go listen first if you intend to buy the new classic Naim range.
As it sound quite different to older style Naim, indeed a SN1.
Also a lot more expensive than old classic for example.

Could end in anything from: “not for you” or “in heaven”

Good Day
Change the SN1 to SN3 is better sound in your system
SN3 design look in old Naim technology of sound
It’s better for you

FWIW… I ran a XPS DR/NDX2 with HiCapDR/SN2 and enjoyed that four box system quite a bit.

If you do go with the NDX2/SN3 you may want to demo a XPS-DR with the NDX 2 to see if that brings an improvement in your listening environment. Then add a HiCapDR to the SN3 and see what you think. With the recent changes in the direction of NAIM products you may find some good discounts on existing inventory or used gear.

Good luck with your decision.

…comments based on my room, my system, my ears.

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(Unless of course you actually want to change the SN, and this is the occasion)


Good day
If you select way for the repair your system
try changing the cable between the source and SN1 Sometimes the wire of one of the channels in the DIN connector falls off due to mechanical reasons during its life
Best regards


Is the fault in the SN1 being used as an excuse to upgrade ?

If not, just get it repaired.