Best jokes

Even if it ever was it stopped being funny once you had a vehicle with a VCU.

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Control codes! Printed cards to surround the keyboard function keys! Pre-WYSIWYG!

In 1990 I helped my Dad use Word Perfect to write his school science dictionary. I was pretty chuffed when, at his belated request to change the appearance of all the hundreds of entries, I was able to change the template they were based on and bingo the whole lot changed.


Ah! These arcane bits of knowledge that we no longer need.
I tried to describe to some of my students how things were before WYSIWYG - you had to print your document out to see what your changes of formatting had achieved. And editing the file was really difficult. I really don’t miss those days…

C’mon guys these last few jokes are not at all funny…
Never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes, that way when you do criticize you will be far enough away for them to not hear you.


Thank goodness nobody is being forced to laugh :sunglasses:

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People laughed when I said I’d make it as a comedian.

Well they’re not laughing now.

(Bob Monkhouse)

Edited. :grinning:


There, Their, They’re :wink:



bruss’s Bob Monkhouse line reminded me of this comedian’s bit, that I heard a few years ago.

“I did a comedy show in Australia a while back, so I was going through customs and the guy was asking me all the regular questions.”
Then he said, “Do you have a criminal record?”
I said, “Oh, I didn’t know you still needed one.”

Another line he had later on was:
“When I was young I told my mother that when I grow up I want to be a comedian.”
She said, “Well, you can’t do both.”


I think that was, originally, Oscar Wilde or someone like that.

As spotted by the Tiger Lilies


Good ol’ Oscar … he had a lot of great lines over the years.

Some of them his own, others would become his …

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My favourite is:

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken”


“I have nothing to declare but my genius”

or that famous duet with James NcNeill Whistler in which, responding to a bon mot by Whistler the great man exclaimed, “I wish, I could have said that”
Whistler: “You will, Oscar, you will”


Another one of Bob’s - “They laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian. Well they’re not laughing now!”

Sorry, just noticed this has already been posted.


Yeah … I do the same thing …

When it’s you or I, it’s called plagiarism; when it’s OW, it’s called Genius.

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Good one, suzy.
Yes, the privileged ones, and they often get away with it.
Mais c’est la vie …

Greg Lake…
(Emerson, Lake & Palmer, “Works, Volume 1”)


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