Best quality/price DIN DIN interconnect

That’s a Din 4 to XLR, which is a different lead to the Din 5 to Din 5.

I’ve tried a few and ended up with WH Morgana, which of course is no longer available new. Best vfm is most likely the naim lavender. Not least at it is supplied for free, and if you have to buy it, is cheapish. But don’t think naim supply this with, for example, a £5k NDX2 because it’s the best.
I prefered the Morgana din to din just over the rca chord signiture. But happy with both on a £5k streamer in my system ( 282, 2x HCdr, xpsdr…)


S/H Chord Sarum Super Aray, which is a real step up over the HiLine without the ring fracture/decouple anxiety.



Thanks, your set up is top level I have to say, compliments

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Vertere Redline

Do they have also din version? How do you compare it to lavender and hi line? Thx

The point I was making is that Flashback cables sounded pretty good to me before they closed down.


A bit leaner than HiLine. Transparent. Very musical. Closer to Superlumina.

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I used Naim with lavender, HiLine and Vertere Pulse D-mini; all different. The HiLine was more sophisticated than the lavender but also less ‘spontaneous’; the Vertere (I also had the Pulse X-mini speaker cables) were the richest, the more organic, the absolute best; but the lavender has always struck me - not unreasonably - as the one with the most ‘Naim’ voice.

(I still have one)


Hi Guido,
In our hobby, everyone has a subjective experience on the subject, including impressions of cables and connectors.
In my humble opinion, the more advanced and transparent your source, the greater the i.c influence will be.
My source consists of Ndac+555p.s+nd5xs2, which is not considered in Naim’s “hierarchy” as a first source (compared to the nd555).
Until recently, the Ndac was connected to the 552 via the Hiline.
I’m currently looking at a Chord sarum T alternative in its place.
After listening for about a week, it seems to me that the differences are not so significant, between the two, as to justify the required expenditure…
But, as I wrote, everyone and the level of sensitivity of their ears…


Hi ditton66, I am using same streaming solution as you and can really recommend the Vertere Redline as interconnect to my 552.

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thanks, very interesting, I did not know this brand was making also DIN cables

fully agree, there’s some magic into the lavender :slightly_smiling_face:

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this is something that intrigues me: probably when I tried HI Line my system was too simple to fully appreciate that

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did anybody verify if among din din interconnect and din rca interconnect or rca rca interconnect with the same cable there is really difference in musicality?

I’ve never read “lean” in the same sentence as Superlumina though :blush:

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Yes, many years ago I listened at length to the same cable (Hi-line) in DIN-DIN, RCA-DIN and RCA-RCA and compared between a CD555 and NAC552. Despite the RCA connectors and sockets being the best available (both WBT Next-Gens) DIN-DIN was definitely preferred.


As the DIN output on my NDX2 has gone AWOL I’m currently using one half of a dual RCA to RCA that was used between a Toshiba cassette deck and my Dads Quad 11 back in the early 70’s, have to say it sounds excellent and I haven’t even cleaned the connectors! Must be the years of burn-in it had recording my Sabbath albums to cassette so I could listen to them doing my homework!

Thanks Richard, your direct experience is very valuable. Years ago I had nd5xs with SN2 and I was not so impressed by hi line, now with NDS and 282 250 combo do you think might be worth to listen to hi line again?

My first upgrade over lavender interconnect was with a Hi Line between 252 and cds3. My musical hearing is far from the best but to my cloth ears there was a very substantial improvement across the sound spectrum. Others on here appear to have a different opinion. This may be something to do with how we all hear things slightly differently; the dynamics between amps and speakers; and the room itself. Long story short - I’d strongly recommend touching base with a decent local dealer and arrange to borrow a Hi Line/ Super Lumina/ Chord Sarum over a weekend. Not necessarily to purchase the more expensive ones, rather to hear for yourself in your room with your system if you are happy to stick with lavender.


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