Best stock turntable for SN3?

Funny that. I really like the design and it goes with NC series very well.
Where as LP12s belong in the ‘flock wallpaper and chintz sofas’ school :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :speak_no_evil:


Reasonably cheap secondhand LP12 for me with Karousel, Mose Herc PSU, Basik+ arm and AT95SH.

I’m not surprised, it’s ‘pig fugly’.
I’ll stick to my flock wallpaper and chintz sofa LP12 :rofl:
How ridiculous! :wink:

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thanks all - this validates my initial assumption. a c2k MM deck seems to be as far as you’d go with a SN inbuilt phono stage.

You can use any deck you like with a MM cartridge into the SN-3 phono stage.
But if you step up to MC you just plug the external phono stage into a free line input.
Works here. :+1:t2:

I always think “better” is a misnomer with hifi, more often it’s just different and preference.

But with regard to the Vertere I do know that quite a view have been sold with the Nait 50.

As ever, wherever possible, demo.


The Vertere DG is a nice looking thing in the flesh, I auditioned one slightly separately to my main TT auditions a year or so ago. I know these things are in the eye of the beholder but the DG is certainly worth a look in person if you’re in the market for a new TT at its price.

A lot of good suggestions above, I would maybe include a Well Tempered Labs Simplex-or any of the WT’s for that matter, with Dynavector 10X5 or 20X2 cartridge, in HO mode.

So many choices, it all depends on system synergy and what type of sound you want?

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The DG1 looked like a dogs dinner to me (in person) but in a dedicated listening room the looks wouldn’t put me off. No way it would be acceptable elsewhere in the house though.

WT Simplex is another good shout. Musical deck.

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Looks nice in my lounge… :slight_smile:


That works quite nicely actually - with the glass rack.

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Tx. Acrylic rack (older Quadraspire reference)

After many years of upgrading I settled on SN2, Rega P8 with AT SLC 740 MM cart into Trichord Dino 2 with NCPSU Phono Stage.

Never looked backed 3 years of audio happiness.


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