Best stylus cleaner

I have often wondered where the dust from the green paper ends up as you wear it away on the diamond tip.

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In the cartridge internals where it clogs the dampers? :man_shrugging:

I think this was after quite a few years. As moongel is so cheap you can replace it every few years as a precaution.

In this context, no. The vinyl will be softer still, so stylus wear is a myth?


So Linn stylii never wear out due to record play?

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Not really, what about the delicate cantilever made of an alloy much softer than sandpaper, then there is the grit going into places it shouldn’t. Maybe recommended by replacement stylus outfits

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I’ve certainly never worn one out. There’s more to cartridge wear than the stylus of course. The idea that Linn’s green stuff (it’s not sandpaper) is the enemy makes no sense. I understand folk might not have the nerve to use it but I’ll trust the manufacturer and their umpteen dealers.


What’s the cantilever got to do with it? The green stuff goes nowhere near the cantilever and used in accordance with Linn guidance is a delicate method. Check the number of folk who’ve happily cleaned their styli with it for 30 years plus. It works. I doubt Linn and their dealers would still be recommending & supplying it if it damaged styli. The kick back by now would be huge.

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Must have an incredibly steady hand!!
Reminds me of
1 - a supergroup that included Eric Clapton in the seventies
2 - my favourite doobie brothers track

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It’s no harder to use than a stylus cleaning brush and over 30 years of regular use by users moves us way past blind faith.

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Linn doesn’t know a lot about cartridges, as they never made them. Lyra before, and today I don’t remember.

Thankfully they know a lot about green stuff!

Is that from minute by minute. :wink: :+1:t2:

Is it still true that Linn do not manufacture their own cartridges?

Linn have never made a cartridge. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Linn carts

Maker Audio Technica





Maker Supex






Maker Goldring / Armour




Maker EMT



Maker Lyra






Why is it when you want it, online references disappear.
Sandpaper is a generic term for abrasive sheet and given the stuff you might buy in a home decorators store the horror some feel is understandable.
The bit I am certain about is that the “green stuff” is 3M lapping film, aluminium oxide on a polyester backing. It is sold for fine finishing, indeed, watchmakers and jewellers are referenced.
What I cannot find is the grade. I had it in my mind about 1200 grit, but the green sheets advertised for sale jump from 600 to 14000.
The reason I stopped using it, the stupid price the last dealer I went to was asking.

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The why they still make wood plinths

It’s probably the same for Rega, not ?

AFAIK, apart from the entry-level Carbon MM (made by Audio technical), Rega build most of their own cartridges. I watched the MCs being made and saw the coils being wound on one in close-up when I last visited the factory


I’m pretty sure Jonathan Carr would have a stroke at the thought of using jewelers’ polishing sheets to “clean” the stylus on a Lyra. Go ahead and polish your stylus to premature wear. I have no skin in that game. If it’s a panacea why hasn’t it ever been recommended anywhere outside Linn/Naim dealers. Oh wait, I know. Because it’s abrasive!!!