Birding Time, Your local and international patch…

Bringing out Hyancinth Bucket’s inner Onslow…

Well. If if it from the Mersey estuary it will probably have a Scouse accent. :grin:

Oystercatcher; looking suspicious - like they often do




Swallows have arrived at Falkland Palace.

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Last dip of the day


It is like winning the lottery, five out five succeeding to capture with their eye the sunlight coming from behind.



I love greylag geese.

I was at one of my favourite spots in the coastal marshes near my home yesterday - and many were at it there too - spring is in the air :grinning:

Those look like greylag goslings? I suspect mum and dad were close by ?

Friday afternoon spotted this rare and tiny British Yellow Wagtail (as opposed to the European Yellow Wagtail) in the marshes - a super timid bird and well chuffed to have spotted her. :slight_smile:


The greylags were also out on force in the marshes - young families and couples yet to have this season’s brood.

Mr & Mrs asserting themselves

Coming into land . flaps up.

What’s in here

low altitude fly by

catch me if you can


We get lots of cuckoos here on the edge of Romney Marsh, despite a bird watching friend telling me they’re functionally extinct. Well, they wake me up every morning for a couple of months !

Usually heard here around St George’s Day, but a week early this year.

It’s the most evocative sound.

They’re very shy birds, but we hit the jackpot at home a few years ago…


Doesn’t much feel like it but Spring has apparently sprung round here…


They were not passing unnoticed…


Nice and close, I photographed a few herons on Friday stalking and in flight, but the slightly warm air over the cool marsh water softened the detail with air refraction, I was using a 800mm lens.

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This was about 6 yards!

I was watching the duckies. He was watching the duckies. I knew that he knew I was watching the duckies.

The family in the shot was obviously very new and mum had about 11 or 12 babies. Another mum only had two, slightly bigger ones, a few days older I guess. I think I know what happened to the rest…



These are Canadian geese youngsters. There were six to begin with but one was lost at early stage to a prey bird or a snapping turtle.

Thanks, yes I have seen the lesser and greater black backed gulls around here tend to enjoy snapping up the goslings… can get really violent!

Yeah the marshes at Boyton / River Butley, River Ore, Shingle Street, along with the RiverDeben at Melton, Woodbridge, Kyson Point, Waldringfield, Bawdsey are some of my favourite spots… just bring some good walking boots, some of the places are not accessible with cars.
Yes if you shoot at the start or end of days, heat refraction less of an issue, or you use shorter lenses, but I find on estuaries and coastal marshes you need long lenses.
Minsmere good, but photography I find best at the start or end of days best… membership beneficial as you can go in when shut. But with Hide shooting you need long lenses, often across water, often rules out mid day photography because of refraction, especially this time of year with contrasty air temps.

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