Blu Tack. A warning

My heavy ATC SCM19 speakers and the stands on which they sit, are separated by Blu Tack and they’ve been sitting for a couple of years like that. During dismantling the system prior to decorating, it took some leverage to separate the speakers from the stands.

On examination, one of the squashed Blu Tack pieces had set so firmly that it had ripped away and split a small amount of the speaker cabinet surface.

Regular re-blutacking seems to be the answer, or perhaps some rubber grommits…


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I always twist to separate. Quite strong stuff.


Surely there is a better alternative to blu-tack ? I realise it’s always an issue with standpoints - my Royd Eden’s were peppered with holes from the upward facing spikes on the Kan stands.

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When I had previous speakers on (very low) stands I didn’t use blu-tac to stick them, but to ensure good contact (the weight of each speaker was then enough to ensure no movement). I therefore put the blu-tac direct on the stand, and a piece of the blu-tac packing paper on top of each blob, so the speaker sat on that, spreading the blu-tac beneath.


Sorry to read this Mike, and thanks for the heads up.

I picked up a new pair of small ATCs yesterday and Blue Tack-ed them to my stands, so I will be wary.


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I seem to remember pmc recommended using blu tack I used to have pmc 20.21 plus pmc stands, blu tack was included with the stands by PMC🙂 I think it might not be so easy to twist off a heavy speaker like the atcs

Knowing how blue tack ages I would never put it anyway near my equipment. There are products made for this purpose only. Get that instead and never worry.

Some speakers are supplied with screws or bolts to fix them to the stands. Kudos Titan 505s for example, but there are others. I would guess that it might be considered a safety issue with larger, heavy standmounts, quite apart from the cost if they were damaged. Personally I would fix them to the stands like this anyway if I needed to. It would be a simple matter to do it with wood screws, and they would only make a tiny hole in the cabinet that would never be seen.

Ruined underside of my first speakers (Mission 731LE) using blue-tack, never again!

+1. Always twist speakers off


Same happened on one DM2/7, what a pain, about 1 inch square ripped off corner, oh well, at least its hidden.

Destroyed one of my Hi-Fi racks speaker stands couple of weeks ago, had them blu-tacked to granite chopping boards on the floor of the cabin and went to lift them off and pulled the screws out of the wood column.

Fortunately I had just bought new stands, hence the move around, but seriously wrecked one of them.

Yeah I like that, although I just found that the Blu Tack packaging paper doesn’t stick, so I’ve used standard white printing paper, which does…


I use Atacama Speaker Isolation Gel Pads. Available in clear or black.

Work a treat with my heavy ATC SCM12s.



I’ve ordered ISO pucks myself. Let’s see how that goes.


I stopped using BluTac years ago, the weight of the speakers inevitably means that in a surprisingly short amount of time the speaker will definitely make contact with the stand. Instead I use sorbothane “feet”, available on Amazon or eBay for very little. Guaranteed vibration-proofing and zero contact assured and no danger of sticking to the speakers.

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I’ve been using blue tack regularly between speakers and stands for ten years, no problem whatsoever.
UK cabinets are much better made and that’s the reason methinks.

My speakers are made by ATC. I levered them off the stand instead of twisting them loose.

Keep up fellah.

Latest entry series cabinets are made in China.
Didn’t you know that?

It can be difficult to twist a light standmounter without dislodging the stand. As an extra precaution, I usually try to split the Blu Tack with a length of dental floss or fine wire.